Translation for "lavendar" to spanish
Translation examples
Mom, I can tell you one thing she didn't like for sure and that's lavendar perfume.
Sí, bueno, mamá, te puedo decir una cosa que a ella seguro no le gustaba y es el perfume de lavanda.
"There is no lavendar," she said to Eliwys.
– No hay lavanda -le dijo a Eliwys-.
Badri had collided with the woman with the lavendar umbrella at half past one.
Badri había chocado con la mujer del paraguas lavanda a la una y media.
"The woman with the lavendar umbrella," she said, and sounded angry. "She died just now."
– La mujer del paraguas lavanda -dijo ella, y parecía furiosa-. Acaba de morir.
With throttle wide we raced above that vast expanse of heliotrope and lavendar foliage which, like a beautiful mantle of flowers across a casket, hid death beneath!
Navegamos a toda velocidad por encima de esta vasta extensión de follaje heliotropo y lavanda que, como un bello manto de flores sobre un féretro, ocultaba la muerte.
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