Translation for "judging him" to spanish
Judging him
Translation examples
Like her, others had been judging him.
Al igual que a ella, otros habían estado juzgándolo.
It seemed to be watching him, judging him.
Parecía estar vigilándolo, juzgándolo.
The masks of his life circled him sternly, judging him.
Las máscaras de su vida lo rodeaban severamente, juzgándolo.
Dorothy's dark face was judging him and made him uncomfortable.
El rostro moreno de Dorothy estaba juzgándolo y hacía que se sintiera incómodo.
She watched Saban, judging him, and decided he was probably a decent boy.
Miró a Saban juzgándole y decidió que probablemente era un buen chico.
“Bonsoir.” She did not answer. She turned and looked at him as if judging him coldly.
—Bonsoir. Ella no contestó. Se dio la vuelta y lo miró como juzgándolo fríamente.
To judge him would be to repeat his own sin: to steal the divine prerogative.
Juzgándole no hacíamos más que remedar su propio pecado: apropiarnos de la prerrogativa divina.
She paced, judging him with wrinkled eyes. “Wait here.” “Hurry. Please.”
Ella anduvo de un lado al otro, juzgándolo con ojos entrecerrados. —Espere aquí. —Aprisa. Por favor.
He was the representative of diaspar, and the whole of lys was judging him by what he might say.
El actuaba como representante de Diaspar y la totalidad de Lys estaba juzgándole por aquello que pudiera decir.
“You will keep judging him by your own standards,” replied Bertrond. “Remember, his psychology is completely different, and much simpler.
—Continúas juzgándole por tu propio patrón —replicó Bertrond—. Recuerda que su psicolo­gía es completamente diferente, y mucho más sen­cilla.
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