Translation for "it seen that" to spanish
It seen that
Translation examples
General Mladic was seen disembarking the aircraft.
Se vio al General Mladic desembarcar de la aeronave.
But it would appear that my raised hand was not seen.
Sin embargo, parece que no se vio mi mano alzada.
The helicopter was later seen returning to Zenica from the south-east.
Más tarde se le vio regresar a Zenica desde el sudeste.
That was the last time they were seen.
Esa fue la última vez que se les vio.
No heavy equipment was seen at the premises.
No se vio equipo pesado en el lugar.
General Mladic was seen boarding the aircraft.
Se vio al General Mladic abordar la aeronave.
Passengers were seen disembarking the aircraft.
Se vio cómo desembarcaban de la aeronave varios pasajeros.
This is the last time they were seen alive.
Esta es la última vez que se los vio vivos.
One male was seen to leave the helicopter carrying a briefcase.
Se vio a un hombre, que llevaba una cartera, abandonar el helicóptero.
Four military personnel were seen disembarking.
Se vio desembarcar a cuatro personas con uniforme militar.
it was not what was seen.
pero no fue eso lo que se vio.
Was he seen then?
—¿Se le vio entonces?
That was seen on the river.
Eso se vio en el río.
And people have seen them.
Y hubo quien los vio.
She’d seen him then.
Entonces fue cuando lo vio.
You seen it, traveler?
—¿Lo vio, forastero?
She was, at least, not seen.
—Por lo menos no se la vio.
Yet it was not seen.
Sin embargo, nadie la vio
    "None of us have seen it.
—Ninguno de nosotros la vio.
The effectiveness of this right can be seen every day in:
La efectividad de este derecho se ve reflejada cotidianamente en:
... the termite is seen when its wings grow.
... la termita sólo se ve cuando le crecen las alas.
This is a question of self-abortion; as will be seen the pregnant woman is the only agent.
Se trata del autoaborto; como se ve la gestante es la única autora.
They are seen, not heard.
Se las ve, pero no se las oye.
Women are neither to be seen nor heard.
No se ve ni se escucha a las mujeres.
Yet they are rarely seen when decisions are being made.
No obstante, apenas se las ve cuando se adoptan las decisiones.
A maximalist, ambitious approach is increasingly seen as difficult.
Cada vez se ve más difícil un enfoque maximalista, ambicioso.
(a) If the other person was seen committing an offense;
a) Si ve que la otra persona está cometiendo un delito;
As will be seen, the pregnant woman is the only agent.
Como se ve, la gestante es la única autora.
This is clearly seen in his activities in international law.
Ello se ve claramente en sus actividades en el ámbito del derecho internacional.
Anything to be seen of the hills?
- ¿Se ve algo en las colinas?
By Heaven all is seen;
El Cielo todo lo ve;
‘There is no wound to be seen.’
—No se ve ninguna herida.
there is not a cloud to be seen.
no se ve una sola nube.
“Yes, that could be clearly seen.”
—Sí, eso se ve fácilmente.
    ”Not a thing to be seen.” he said.
—No se ve nada —les dijo—.
Wherever it goes, it can be seen.
Por donde pasa, se ve.
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