Translation for "it is learned" to spanish
Translation examples
He learns to discover others.
Aprende a descubrir a los demás.
"Learning our ABC"
"Aprende el ABC"
Children are not born with prejudice; it is learned.
Los niños no nacen con prejuicios; eso es algo que se aprende.
I hope that he will learn from the lesson.
Espero que aprenda la lección.
Answer: Because people have learned from experience.
R: Porque se aprende de la experiencia.
Degree to which people are learning and adapting
Medida en que la población aprende y se adapta
Perhaps they will learn someday.
Quizás algún día aprenda.
Capacity-building involves "learning by doing".
10. El fomento de la capacidad se aprende sobre la marcha.
Learn from Ix, learn from everything.”
Aprende de Ix, aprende de todo.
— And that can be learned?
—¿Y eso se aprende?
Learn to read English, learn to write English;
Aprende a leer inglés, aprende a escribir inglés;
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