Translation for "it is counterpart" to spanish
Translation examples
Counterpart contributions
Contribuciones de contraparte
Counterpart contributions for
Contribuciones de contraparte para
my counterpart impatiently waits.
mi contraparte espera impaciente.
"It's the counterpart of the physical body.
– Es la contraparte del cuerpo físico;
evil was its darker counterpart.
el mal era su contraparte oscura.
As for ‘my counterpart,’ it could mean Zuzana’s counterpart, but I don’t know who that would be.
En cuanto a “mi contraparte”, podría ser la contraparte de Zuzana, pero no sé quién podría ser.
“Basically he’s my military counterpart.
—En esencia, es mi contraparte militar.
not his wife or his woman, but his counterpart.
no era ni su esposa ni su mujer, sino su contraparte.
But how can we establish that these events occur a few milliseconds before their conscious counterpart if we don’t know what that counterpart consists of?
¿Cómo establecer que estos acontecimientos sucedan algunos milisegundos antes de su contraparte consciente si no sabemos en qué consiste esa contraparte?
that made him different from his Soviet counterparts.
eso lo hacía distinto de sus contrapartes soviéticas.
Ryan shook hands with his Soviet counterpart.
Ryan estrechó la mano de su contraparte soviética.
The counterpart of the earth was what they knew as the dark regions.
La contraparte de la tierra era lo que conocían como las regiones de tinieblas.
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