Translation for "it evident that" to spanish
Translation examples
The conclusion is self-evident.
La conclusión es evidente.
Their patriotism was evident.
Su patriotismo es evidente.
10. The consequences are evident.
10. Las consecuencias son evidentes.
Our accomplishments are evident.
Nuestros logros son evidentes.
This is self-evident.
Es evidente en sí mismo.
The reasons are evident.
Los motivos son evidentes.
The challenges are evident.
Los retos son evidentes.
The results are evident.
Los resultados son evidentes.
The reasons are self-evident.
Las razones son evidentes.
It's evident that... There are different approaches to the subject, so she and I will do a political synthesis.
-Es evidente que... que hay diferentes enfoques sobre este asunto.
It's evident that he's a main character.
Es evidente que es el personaje principal.
Well, it's evident that someone has landed.
Bien, es evidente que alguien ha aterrizado.
It's evident that her hideout is somewhere other than here.
Es evidente que su refugio es un lugar diferente a éste.
It's evident that this man has been in a scrap or two.
Es evidente que este hombre se ha metido en una pelea o dos.
It's evident that these locations fit within a general pattern except for the first Karen Silber attack, in Marina Del Rey.
Es evidente que éstos sitios se ajustan al patrón general excepto por el primer ataque a Karen Silber en Marina Del Rey.
It's evident that Greece was bound to have a public deficit given the circumstances of its integration into European markets.
Es evidente que Grecia no puede tener otra cosa que déficit público. en las condiciones de su integración al mercado europeo
Chamberlain, as I listen to the Imperial Envoy, it's evident that we samurai, are worrying His Majesty.
Chambelán, según entiendo al enviado Imperial, es evidente que nosotros los samurai, estamos preocupando a su majestad.
No, Lieutenant. It's evident that one of us has to get in there in any case... to make sure of destroying their transmitter.
No, Teniente. igual es evidente que uno de nosotros deberá entrar allí... para destruir su transmisor.
It's evident that that... doesn't explain what has occurred, but only what has occurred given certain conditions... that permit us to obtain an explanation a posteriori.
Es evidente que eso... no explica lo que ha ocurrido, sino sólo lo que ha ocurrido dadas ciertas condiciones... que nos permiten obtener una explicación a posteriori.
It is evident why, no?
Es evidente por qué, ¿no?
Is it not self-evident?
—¿Es que no es evidente?
(Although evidently it was.
Pero era evidente que lo era.
Shouldn’t that be evident?
¿Es que no era evidente?
Not a very affluent one, that was evident, but it was also evident that that was starting to change.
No era muy transitado, eso era evidente, pero también era evidente que eso estaba empezando a cambiar.
So much evident trafficking in so much evident nothing.
Tanto tráfico evidente para tanta nada no menos evidente.
Evidently he has not.
Es evidente que no.
You don’t evidently.”
Es evidente que tú no.
That has been evident to me from the beginning, and I pray it has been evident to you.
Eso ha sido evidente para mí desde el principio y espero que haya sido evidente para ti.
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