Similar context phrases
Translation examples
"Need it, need it, got it, got it, need it."
"Lo necesita, lo necesita, lo consiguió, lo consiguió, lo necesita."
Wish It, Want It, Do It.
Lo deseas, lo quieres, lo tienes.
- Steal it, have it, steal it, have it
- Lo robas, lo tienes, lo robas, lo tienes
Tap it, shake it, blow on it?
¿Lo golpean, lo sacuden, lo soplan?
See it, want it, take it.
Lo veo, lo quiero, lo tomo.
We drown it, kill it, numb it.
Lo ahogamos, lo matamos, lo adormecemos.
It-It, it's gonna.
Lo, lo, lo va a hacer.
You take it, break it, share it, and love it.
Lo agarras, lo partes, lo compartes y lo amas.
- than in it without it.
- ...que en él sin él.
Yes, it's him, it's him!
¡Sí, es él, es él!
It wasn't them, it was him!
Él no fue, fue él.
It's him. Mary, is it.
¡Es él, Mary, es él!
- With it, or on it!
- Con él o sobre él!
It's him, it's him.
Es él, que es él.
PROCLO: Yes, it's him, it's him.
- Si, es él, es él.
It wasn't her, it wasn't her, it wasn't her.
No era ella. No era ella. No era ella.
She sings it, shouts it.
Ella canta, grita ella.
It was she. Professor, it was she.
Fué ella Profesor, fué ella.
It's Ella Pierce.
Ella es Ella Pierce.
I sweated for it, I bled for it, I dreamed of it.
Sudé por ella, sangré por ella, soñé con ella.
- I'm on it, I'm on it.
- Estoy en ello, estoy en ello.
- On it, on it, and on it.
- En ello, en ello, y en ello.
For it, not of it.
Por ello, no de ello.
Wait for it... Wait for it...
Espera por ello espera por ello...
On it, I'm on it.
En ello. Estoy en ello.
Think about it, cope with it, live with it.
Pensar en ello, enfrentarse a ello, vivir con ello.
Not -think- about it, -think- about it, -think- about it, all the time.
No estés constantemente pensando en ello, pensando en ello, pensando en ello.
Don’t think about it and don’t talk about it.
No pienses en ello ni hables de ello.
But there is no evidence whatsoever that It has any interest in Its creatures. It…” “It?”
Pero no hay evidencia ninguna de que Ello tenga ningún interés en Sus criaturas. Ello… —¿Ello?
Not when everyone is in on it.
—No cuando todos están en ello.
It bit you, it bit you!
Sí. ¡Le picó, le picó!
It scares her, it hurts her.
Le asusta, le duele.
I instigated it, and he loved it.
Le provoqué y le encantó.
You called it, name it.
Le llamas, le nombras.
I admire it and fear it.
Le admiro y le temo.
He likes it. It excites him.
Le gusta... le excita.
I took it and threw it away.
Le cojí y le tire
It... it didn't happen.
Eso... Eso no pasó.
That's it, that's it, that's it.
Eso es, eso es, eso es. Vamos.
It--It--It doesn't mean anytng.
Eso, eso... eso no significa nada.
File it? Copy it? Proofread it?
¿ Que la archive, la copie o la revise?
It's... it's the... it's the home part.
Es la la parte de la casa
Got it, got it, need it, need it, got it, got it, need it, got it.
La tengo, la tengo... la necesito, la necesito, la tengo, la tengo... la necesito, la tengo.
You eat it, you drink it, you breathe it, you fuck it.
La comes, la bebes, la respiras, la coges.
Oh, I sell it, I grow it, I mill it, I hammer it.
La vendo, la cultivo, la sierro, la clavo.
It's life, It's luck. [In unison] It's parenting.
La vida, la suerte... la paternidad...
- That's it.
- Es aquel. - ¿Cómo?
Yes, it is.
- Sí. Aquel dinero...
- Kramer, it's that-
- Kramer, es aquél.
It's that man.
Es aquel hombre.
It's that one...
Es de aquel...
It's that boy..
Es aquel muchacho...
- Who did it?
- ¿Quién fue? - Aquel.
- There it is.
- Aquélla de allí.
Check it out.
Mirar para aquellos.
It's dead there.
Aquello está muerto.
What was it?
¿Qué fue aquello?
But still, it, uh... it did not disappoint.
Pero aun así, aquello... aquello no me decepcionó.
It's over.
Aquello se acabó.
It's all over.
Aquello ya pasó.
How was it?
¿Cómo era aquello?
Yet what is it to me, this... This quintessence of dust?
"Y sin embargo, ¿qué es para mí esta quintaesencia del polvo? "
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