Translation for "is well known" to spanish
Translation examples
This is well known.
Esto es bien sabido.
The reasons are many and well known.
Las razones son múltiples y bien sabidas.
The reasons for his subsequent resignation were well known.
Las razones de su posterior dimisión son bien sabidas.
1. It is well known that Eritrea did not initiate the hostilities.
1. Es bien sabido que Eritrea no inició las hostilidades.
As it is well known:
Como es bien sabido:
8. Today, all this is well known.
8. Todo eso es bien sabido hoy en día.
This is well known by the people and major hospitals in Yemen.
Esto es bien sabido por los ciudadanos y los principales hospitales del Yemen.
This, as is well known, especially applies to Tajikistan.
Como es bien sabido, ese es el caso de Tayikistán.
It is well known that security and development are indivisible.
Es bien sabido que la seguridad y el desarrollo son indivisibles.
As is well known, all of the members of AOSIS are developing countries.
Como es bien sabido, todos los miembros de la Alianza son países en desarrollo.
it is well known in Uganda.
es bien sabido en Uganda.
- Mm-hmm. - It is well known, Jules Gund wrote only that one book.
- Es bien sabido, Jules Gund escribió un solo libro.
- This is well known, sir
- Esto es bien sabido, señor
It is well known they were lazy and tend to fecklessness.
Es bien sabido que son perezosos y tienden a la irresponsabilidad.
As is well known to you all certainly,
Cómo es bien sabido ciertamente por todos ustedes,
Professor Doctor EIGIL BÖRNE, who, as is well known...
Profesor Doctor EIGIL BORNE, quién, como es bien sabido,
As is well known, I intend never to marry.
Como es bien sabido, no tengo intención de casarme nunca.
The honour of your race is well known, Your Highness.
El honor de su raza es bien sabida, Su Alteza.
In the underworld, RDX is well known for bestowing justice.
De todos es bien sabidos que el señor RDX imparte siempre justicia.
‘It’s well known that he’s impotent.’
«Es bien sabido que es impotente».
In the same street, that was well known.
—En la misma calle, era bien sabido.
It was well known that Wittberg was a real playboy.
Era bien sabido que Wittberg era un mujeriego.
That is well known among the Varden and Surdans.
Eso es bien sabido entre los vardenos y los surdanos.
this is well known." I raised my eyebrows.
Es algo bien sabido. Levanté las cejas.
As is well known, my prediction came true.
Como es bien sabido, mi pronóstico se cumplió.
The facts are well known.
Los hechos son bien conocidos.
The obstacles are well known.
Los obstáculos son bien conocidos.
My fervent youth is well-known.
Mi ferviente juventud es bien conocida.
Yes, Hedberg is well known here.
Sí, Hedberg es bien conocido.
The legend of Orpheus is well-known.
Es bien conocida la leyenda de Orfeo.
My name is well-known already,
Mi nombre ya es bien conocido.
The punishment is well-known!
¡El castigo es bien conocido!
His success is well-known.
- Su éxito es bien conocido.
Richard Branston is well known homosexual.
Richard Branston es bien conocido por ser homosexual
It is well known in China.
Es bien conocido en China.
They are well-known men—
Son bastante bien conocidos.
Its hospitality was well known;
Su hospitalidad era bien conocida;
He was a well-known figure.
Era una figura bien conocida.
It is a well-known condition.
Se trata de una afección bien conocida.
I am as well known as he.
Yo soy tan bien conocida como él.
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