Translation for "is it stated" to spanish
Is it stated
Translation examples
In a state of undeclared war.
En un estado de guerra no declarada.
A state of emergency has been declared;
Ha sido declarado el estado de emergencia;
A state of emergency had been declared.
Se había declarado el estado de emergencia.
Marius was declared an enemy of the state.
Mario fue declarado enemigo del Estado.
The mother had stated the same.
La madre había declarado lo mismo.
He has stated his intention to.
Ha declarado su intención de hacerlo.
“Not stated, but implied.”
El decano asintió- No declarada, sino implícita.
He would have stated it in a court of law.
Así lo habría declarado ante un juez.
se declaró
He stated that :
Declaró que:
Now I state that I was not.
No, declaro que no estuve.
State your objections.
Declare sus objeciones.
he stated with dejection.
declaró con desprecio—.
‘No prisoners,’ Karst stated.
—No habrá prisioneros —declaró Karst.
The witness states as under:
El testigo declara lo siguiente:
Krell stated angrily.
declaró Krell muy enfadado—.
Harry stated firmly.
declaró Harry firmemente-.
Marino states the obvious.
—Marino declara lo obvio.
"I'm a freedwoman," she stated crisply.
—Soy una liberta —declaró sin más—.
“They’re for my collection,” he stated.
—Son para mi colección —declaró—.
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