Translation for "is height" to spanish
Translation examples
Height of tree
Altura del árbol
Height for age:
Altura correspondiente
Height (indoor)
Altura (interiores)
Weight for height:
a la altura:
If this is heights, then, yes, I'm afraid of them.
Si esto es alturas, entonces, sí, les tengo miedo.
Height was moral, height was spiritual.
La altura era moral, la altura era espiritual.
“I’m scared of heights.” Heights?
Me dan miedo las alturas. ¿Alturas?
What height was it at?
¿A qué altura estaba?
How many feet, she said. Its height. Height?
Cuántos metros, dijo ella. Su altura. ¿Altura?
But consider the height of it.
Pero considere la altura.
Was it just the height?
¿Era sólo la altura?
“Frightened of heights.
Miedo a las alturas.
At least not in height.
Por lo menos, en altura.
Height. That was the thing.
Altura. Eso era lo más importante.
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