Translation for "is averted" to spanish
Is averted
Translation examples
This alone averted 90,000 deaths between 2006 and 2007.
Sólo esto evitó 90.000 muertes entre 2006 y 2007.
Wednesday's decision to extend their mandate averted a security vacuum.
La decisión del miércoles de prorrogar su mandato evitó un vacío de seguridad.
There are few headlines for successes that avert fighting and save lives.
Los éxitos cuando se evita el combate y se salvan vidas pocas veces llegan a los titulares.
That situation averted omissions or shortcomings.
Es una solución que evita omisiones o limitaciones.
The risk of lowered standards was thereby averted.
Así se evita el riesgo de que se relajen las normas.
It is our collective responsibility to ensure that such a disaster is averted at all costs.
Tenemos la responsabilidad colectiva de garantizar que tal desastre se evite a toda costa.
A total of 108,000 malaria episodes were averted, and more than 300 lives were saved.
Se evitó un total de 108.000 episodios de malaria y se salvaron más de 300 vidas.
As a result of those efforts, a major exodus of civilians to Zaire was averted.
Gracias a esas acciones, se evitó un importante éxodo de civiles al Zaire.
The possibility of the world economy being trapped in a deflationary spiral was clearly averted.
Se evitó claramente la posibilidad de que la economía mundial se viese envuelta en una espiral de deflación.
It thereby averted conflicts, the consequences of which would have been hard to foresee.
De este modo evitó conflictos, cuyas consecuencias habrían sido difíciles de prever.
Well, the crisis is averted.
Bueno, se evitó la crisis.
Your choice averts nothing.
Tu elección no evita nada.
So was the quarrel averted.
Así se evitó la disputa.
Deborah averted her gaze.
Deborah evitó su mirada.
Carados averted his gaze.
Carados evitó su mirada.
Dorieus averted his eyes.
Dorieo evitó mi mirada.
Charles averted his eyes.
Charles evitó mirarle a los ojos.
Eragon quickly averted his gaze.
Eragon enseguida evitó su mirada.
Balian remained silent and averted his eyes.
Balián calló y evitó sus ojos.
People averted their eyes from her, as was proper.
La gente evitó mirarla, como era lo correcto.
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