Translation for "irritatedly" to spanish
Translation examples
Buck asked irritatedly.
—preguntó Buck irritado.
Bruno sighed irritatedly.
Bruno soltó un suspiro irritado.
Athor gestured irritatedly.
Athor hizo un gesto irritado.
“What?” Harold asked, irritatedly.
—dijo Harold, irritado.
He snorted, shrugged his shoulders irritatedly.
Resopló y se encogió de hombros, irritado.
He gestured irritatedly to the Muzak spymike dangling from the ceiling.
El hombre señaló irritado el micrófono Murak que colgaba del techo.
Isaac shook his head irritatedly, as if a mosquito was in his ear.
Isaac sacudió la cabeza irritado, como si tuviera un mosquito en el oído.
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