Translation for "interleukins" to spanish
Translation examples
- Did I make a mistake doing the interleukin 2 treatment?
- ¿Cometí un error haciendo el tratamiento de la interleucina?
Eight percent of all people on Interleukin-2 have total remission.
El 8% de la gente tratada con Interleucina-2 tiene remisión.
The interleukin kinda took it out of me.
La interleucina parece habérmelo sacado.
We've discussed interleukin-2.
Hemos discutido sobre la Interleucina-2. (Proteína componente de las citocinas del sistema inmune)
Signal paths, interleukins.
Caminos de señales, interleucinas.
And based on your response to the Interleukin therapy, I can't recommend further treatment.
Y basado en la reacción a la Interleucina-1... no podemos seguir el tratamiento.
The Interleukin nearly killed you. It was touch and go for six hours.
La interleucina casi lo mata.
I want to do interleukin.
Quiero hacer interleucina.
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