Translation for "inherently wrong" to spanish
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There's something inherently wrong with that guy.
Hay algo inherentemente mal en ese tipo.
If I can say this without setting off all the Gothic bells, the place seemed intrinsically, inherently wrong—it was too quiet, too still, completely without noise or movement.
Si se me permite decirlo, parecía que en aquel sitio algo estaba intrínseca e inherentemente mal: demasiado silencio, demasiada quietud.
Is there something inherently wrong with asking a woman you're involved with if she wants kids?
¿Hay algo intrínsecamente malo en preguntarle a tu pareja si quiere hijos?
What if there was something different about them – something inherently wrong?
¿Y si hubiera algo diferente en ellos..., algo intrínsecamente malo?
Seen from a distance, there was nothing inherently wrong with golf, he supposed, and no doubt a case could be made for the benefits of lunching on shrimp cocktails and triple-decker sandwiches, but Ferguson missed his hamburgers and bowls of mint-chip ice cream, and the closer he came to the world that golf represented, the more he learned to despise golf—not so much the sport itself, perhaps, but certainly the people who played it.
Visto con perspectiva, el golf no tenía nada intrínsecamente malo, suponía él, y sin duda cabía defender las ventajas de almorzar cóctel de mariscos y sándwiches de tres pisos, pero Ferguson echaba de menos sus hamburguesas y sus cuencos de helado de menta con pepitas de chocolate, y cuanto más cerca estaba del mundo que el golf representaba, más llegaba a despreciar ese juego; no tanto el deporte en sí, sino a la gente que lo jugaba.
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