Translation for "inhalating" to spanish
Translation examples
Numerous legal aspects of this case still require reassessment because, along with the fear of skinheads, the death of Tibor Danihel was largely due to the effect of organic solvents which he was inhaling with his friends on the island.
Aún quedan por evaluar muchos aspectos legales de este caso, porque aparte del temor a los cabezas rapadas, la muerte de Tibor Danihel se debió en gran parte al efecto de los disolventes orgánicos que estaba inhalando con sus amigos en la isla.
However, it is typical of both cities that drug-taking begins with the inhalation of heroin, followed by injection.
Pero en ambas ciudades lo característico es que comience inhalando heroína y posteriormente pasar a drogas inyectables.
Inhaling chemical fumes.
Inhalando vapores químicos.
Inhaling and breathing.
Inhalando y exhalando.
Inhaling carbon monoxide, maybe.
Inhalando monóxido de carbono.
You're inhaling toxic gas.
Estás inhalando gas tóxico.
- They were inhaling ammonium nitrate.
- Estaban inhalando nitrato de amonio.
He's not inhaling.
No está inhalando.
We're inhaling hemp.
Estamos inhalando cáñamo.
What are you inhaling?
¿Qué estás inhalando?
We're already inhaling spores.
Ya estamos inhalando esporas.
what are we inhaling?
¿qué estamos inhalando?
Presently she fished out a package of cigaret butts and lit one, inhaling, breathing out, inhaling.
Sacó un paquete de colillas y encendió una inhalando, espirando, inhalando.
And he didn’t seem to be inhaling anymore.
Y le parecía que ya no estaba inhalando.
You been inhaling it all night.
Tú lo has estado inhalando toda la noche.
Aziz stood at the window, inhaling the city.
Aziz estaba en la ventana, inhalando la ciudad.
She lit the cigarette and inhaled deeply.
Ella encendió el cigarrillo, inhalando profundamente.
          The mulatto choked on the smoke he was inhaling.
El mulato se ahogó con el humo que estaba inhalando.
He was sitting in a noticeable fashion, inhaling.
Estaba sentado de una forma notable, inhalando.
I decided not to think about what I was inhaling.
Decidí no pensar en lo que estaba inhalando.
He ate quickly, inhaling his food.
Comía deprisa, inhalando la comida.
"Yeah," she said, inhaling over the glass.
—Sí —dijo, inhalando por encima de la copa—.
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