Translation for "infectious" to spanish
Translation examples
Programme for the prevention and treatment of infectious and non-infectious diseases
Programa de prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas y no infecciosas
Infectious and parasitic
Infecciosas y parasitarias
The percentage of HIV/AIDS and the main infectious and non-infectious diseases
El VIH/SIDA y la incidencia de las principales enfermedades infecciosas y no infecciosas
Bioterror, infectious diseases.
Bioterrorismo, enfermedades infecciosas.
You're not infectious.
No es infeccioso.
They study infectious diseases.
Estudian enfermedades infecciosas.
It is not infectious;
No es infecciosa;
it wasn't infectious.
No era infeccioso.
it's just so infectious.
Es tan infecciosa.
An infectious disease.
Una enfermedad infecciosa.
You're highly infectious.
Eres altamente infeccioso.
It becomes infectious.
Se vuelve infeccioso.
An infectious agent?
-¿Un agente infeccioso?
Infectious hepatitis?”
—¿Hepatitis infecciosa?
“That means it’s infectious.
–Significa que es infeccioso.
His panic was infectious.
Su pánico era infeccioso.
Her calm was infectious.
Su tranquilidad era infecciosa.
But he's not infectious.
Pero no es ninguna enfermedad infecciosa.
Was it an infectious thing?
¿Se trataba de una enfermedad infecciosa?
“Is it in any way infectious?”
–¿Es infeccioso, de alguna manera?
6. Infectious diseases
6. Enfermedades contagiosas
Prevention of diseases, including infectious diseases*
Prevención de enfermedades, contagiosas o no*
8. Treatment and preventive services for chronic, infectious, and non-infectious diseases.
8. Atención y tratamiento de las enfermedades crónicas, contagiosas y no contagiosas.
Fear is infectious. And it can be disabling.
El miedo es contagioso y puede paralizar.
Combating epidemics and infectious diseases;
Luchar contra las epidemias y las enfermedades contagiosas;
Faith is infectious.
La fe es contagiosa.
Infectious diseases, Bristol.
Enfermedades contagiosas, Bristol.
It's too infectious.
Pero es muy contagioso.
Possibly, it's infectious.
Posiblemente esto es contagioso.
Optimism is infectious.
El optimismo es contagioso.
Yes. It's infectious.
Si, es contagioso.
Are you infectious, honey?
¿Eres contagiosa,cielo?
And the fear was infectious.
Y el miedo es contagioso.
The levity was infectious.
La frivolidad era contagiosa.
It was oddly infectious.
Y era extrañamente contagiosa.
Friendship was infectious.
La amistad era contagiosa.
“The miasma is infectious!”
—¡La miasma es contagiosa!
There was something infectious about her.
Tenía algo contagioso.
There was something infectious in the air.
Había en el aire algo contagioso.
His enthusiasm was infectious.
Su entusiasmo era contagioso.
All of the infectious bacteria have been destroyed.
Todas las bacterias infectantes han sido destruídas.
It's...infectious! I...don't want to leave!
Es pegadizo, no quiero irme.
“Good old Sarah.” My father’s laugh was warm and infectious.
—La buena de Sarah. La risa de mi padre era cálida y pegadiza.
Elizabeth Cotten's finger-picking version of "Freight Train," as infectious a melody as ever existed.
La versión a punteo que Elizabeth Cotten hizo de «Freight train», una de las melodías más pegadizas de todos los tiempos.
It was an awkward, infectious heh-heh-snort-heh-heh that was much funnier than the military monster truck.
Era un «je-je-gromf-je-je» ridículo y pegadizo que hacía mucha más gracia que aquel mostrenco militar.
The black kids from Boston were down with Morocco, down with its essential Arab nature and African soul, the massive hash pipes, the chilli in the food, the infectious rhythms of the music.
La juventud negra de Boston se dejaba seducir por Marruecos, con su carácter árabe, su alma africana, las pipas bien cargadas de hachís, el chile de la comida y el ritmo pegadizo de la música.
Lean, bronzed with broad shoulders and narrow thighs, there was about him a kind of infectious enjoyment and gaiety—a native simplicity that endeared him to all women and most men. He stood there shaking the water from him and raising a hand in gay salutation to his wife. She waved back calling out: ‘Come up here, Pat.’ ‘I’m coming.’
Enjuto, bronceado, con anchas espaldas y estrechas caderas, emanaba de su persona una especie de satisfacción y alegría pegadizas... una nativa sencillez que le hacía querer de todas las mujeres y de la mayoría de los hombres. Permaneció un momento en la orilla, sacudiéndose el agua y levantando una mano en alegre saludo a su esposa. —¡Ven aquí, Pat! —le gritó ella. —Allá voy.
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