Translation for "infantilised" to spanish
Translation examples
Why is it that the woman's lot is to be perpetually infantilised? Or else invisible and powerless to do anything about it?
¿Por qué el papel de la mujer es perpetuamente infantilizado o invisibilizado y nos impiden hacer algo al respecto?
Look, I'm sorry if, in an infantilised world I've somehow ended up with the non-cool toys, but why exactly is arranging a model of the greatest liberal hero of the 20th Century somehow less cool than pretending on a computer that you're a Russian pimp stealing imaginary cars?
Perdona que en este mundo infantilizado me hayan tocado los juguetes menos molones, pero, ¿por qué recrear escenas del mayor líder liberal del siglo XX mola menos que fingir en un pc ser un chulo ruso que roba coches imaginarios?
This was common enough behaviour among children at Madame Tussauds, and, for some time now, the museum has really been aimed at them and at adolescents, which is to say at the universe’s great infantilised masses, who continue to grow exponentially.
Esta actitud era frecuente entre los críos en Madame Tussauds, en realidad ese museo está concebido desde hace tiempo para ellos y para los adolescentes, lo que equivale a decir para las grandes masas infantilizadas del universo, que siguen yendo en aumento.
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