Translation for "incurable" to spanish
Translation examples
Treatment for incurable conditions
Derecho a prestaciones para el tratamiento médico en caso de enfermedad incurable
(a) An incurable illness or if it has caused the victim to enter a vegetative state;
a) Una enfermedad incurable o hubiere sido la causa de que la víctima haya entrado en estado vegetativo;
insanity which is pronounced incurable
Demencia considerada incurable
Diabetes is incurable, but its management is within human reach.
La diabetes es incurable, pero su gestión está a nuestro alcance.
We will cure the incurable.
Curaremos lo incurable.
The disease's incurable nature
El carácter incurable de la enfermedad
Malaria is not considered incurable.
El paludismo no se considera incurable.
That the spouse is incurably of unsound mind
:: Demencia incurable del cónyuge;
(d) That the spouse is incurably of unsound mind;
d) Demencia incurable del cónyuge;
An incurable disease.
Una enfermedad incurable.
Two incurable cases.
Dos casos incurables.
- And it's incurable
- Y es incurable
An incurable wound.
Una herida incurable.
Incurable, inoperable, untreatable.
Incurable, inoperable, intratable.
Schizophrenia's incurable.
La esquizofrenia es incurable.
Speaking of incurables.
Hablando de incurables.
And apparently incurable,
Y aparentemente incurables,
And that it was incurable.
Y que era incurable.
The islands of incurables
Las islas de los incurables...
An incurable romantic!
¡Una romántica incurable!
Incurable diseases!
¡Enfermedades incurables!
Incurably optimistic!
¡Optimista incurable!
“Really, you’re incurable.
En realidad, eres incurable.
But all were incurable.
Pero todas eran incurables.
Her disease was incurable.
Su enfermedad era incurable.
Because it was judged incurable.
—Porque se lo ha juzgado incurable.
At the human level, the proliferation of these devices causes serious, often incurable, mutilation and major material damage.
La proliferación de esos artefactos provoca, a nivel humano, graves mutilaciones, a menudo irremediables, y destrozos nada desdeñables en el plano material.
Using an arsenal of ethnically pejorative terms to disqualify poor, destitute or indigenous people as racially inferior and mentally disabled, the country's rulers constantly reinforced what they called social marginalization, which they accepted as an incurable condition.
Descalificando a los pobres, indigentes e indígenas, como racialmente inferiores y mentalmente incapacitados, con un arsenal de calificativos de menosprecio étnico, quienes gobernaban al país reforzaban de esta manera a cada instante la llamada marginalidad social y la asumían como una situación irremediable.
That madness, which had seemed a bad dream, suddenly reappears, true to itself, incurable.
no vuelva a aparecer terriblemente igual a sí misma. Irremediable.
Which atrocities from the incurable past do we think we are obliged to revisit?
¿Qué atrocidades del pasado irremediable nos parece que estamos obligados a revisar?
Spanish speakers had frequently remarked upon his reserve, but now in the eyes of his own countrymen and women, he appeared to suffer from an incurable garrulousness.
Esa proverbial mesura que había llamado la atención de los hispanohablantes parecía haber sido reemplazada, a ojos de sus paisanos, por una irremediable elocuencia.
He had known a great authority on the Human Mind and Its Evolution who had been taken for all he had by an incurable knave because he judged for himself and not on police stories.
Había conocido a un gran experto en la mente humana y su evolución que se había dejado embaucar por un truhán irremediable porque «juzgaba por sí mismo y no por lo que contaba la policía».
She looked me up and down, seemingly not surprised to see me; she had long ago resigned herself to accepting the incurable hospitality of a husband who was apt to take in anyone with a look of need.
Me miró de pies a cabeza sin parecer extrañada por mi presencia, ya estaba resignada a soportar la irremediable hospitalidad de su marido, capaz de albergar a cualquiera con aspecto de necesitado.
Because what—beyond the faintly tired evidence of her own honor now forever secured, and the rather weary awareness of her irrevocable dignity—could she set against the incurable shame the boy felt?
Pues ¿qué podía oponer a la vergüenza irremediable del chico sino la evidencia un tanto cansina de su propio honor salvaguardado para siempre, la conciencia un tanto cansada de su irrevocable dignidad?
Three men and a woman stepped in, all nicely tailored and manicured and carrying thick expensive leather briefcases, along with the incurable air of importance inbred in big-firm lawyers.
Entraron tres hombres y una mujer, todos elegantemente vestidos a la medida y con las uñas de las manos impecablemente cuidadas, sosteniendo unos abultados y costosos maletines de cuero, envueltos por el irremediable aire de importancia que suele rodear a los abogados de los grandes bufetes.
The burden of his melancholy was visited on his colleagues, rather than my parents, who had to put up with no more than a general air of incurable glumness diffused about the house, concentrated only whenever Bracey himself was addressed by one or other of them.
La carga de su melancolía recaía sobre sus colegas más que sobre mis padres, que únicamente tenían que aguantar la atmósfera de irremediable abatimiento que se difundía por la casa y que se plasmaba solo en el momento en que alguno de ellos se dirigía directamente a Bracey.
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