Translation for "increase it is" to spanish
Translation examples
It is recommended that measures are taken to increase the delivery rate.
Se recomienda adoptar medidas para aumentarla.
The divisions of the free world may increase them.
Las divisiones del mundo libre pueden aumentarlos.
Unfortunately, its assistance capacity is still at a minimum and needs to be increased.
Desgraciadamente, su capacidad de asistencia era todavía mínima y era necesario aumentarla.
His Government was grateful to those States, and appealed to them to increase their support.
Su Gobierno agradece la asistencia de esos Estados y los exhorta a aumentarla.
The Government was not satisfied with that proportion and would strive to increase it.
El Gobierno no está satisfecho con esa proporción y tratará de aumentarla.
There was a move to increase it to 50 per cent.
Hay una tendencia a aumentarla al 50%.
In the coming years we foresee increases.
En los próximos años, prevemos aumentarlas.
Countries which were in a position to increase their contributions should endeavour to do so.
Los países que estén en condiciones de aumentar sus contribuciones deben procurar aumentarlas.
Increasing it in Judaea.
Para aumentarla en Judea.
Let us increase it, then.
—Entonces vamos a aumentarla.
“Thinking of increasing it still more?”
—¿Piensas aumentarlo aún más?
Why should uncertainty not increase it?
¿Acaso la incertidumbre no debería aumentarlo?
“Everything!” She paused a little to increase his discomfort.
—¡Todo! Dudó ella un poco para aumentarle su zozobra;
You mean you're going to increase it every time?'
–¿Y… van a aumentarla cada vez?
Lesson learned: They succeeded only in increasing it.
Lección aprendida: sólo lograron aumentarla.
She decided not to tell Guillermo so as not to increase his worries.
Ella prefirió no contárselo a Guillermo por no aumentarle las preocupaciones.
But instead of controlling the disorder, they both helped to increase it.
Pero en vez de controlar el desorden ambos contribuyeron a aumentarlo.
Increase exports
Aumentar las exportaciones
(a) Increase employment;
a) Aumentar el empleo;
Increasing employment;
- aumentar el empleo;
The second is the much-needed improvement of the working methods in such a way as to increase transparency and not to reduce it; to increase respect and not to diminish it; and to increase inclusion.
La segunda, la necesaria mejora de los métodos de trabajo, para aumentar la transparencia y no para disminuirla; para aumentar el respeto y no para disminuirlo; para aumentar la inclusión.
Increased production;
- Aumentar la producción;
There was a need to increase resource efficiency, protect freshwater and increase recycling.
Era necesario aumentar la eficiencia de los recursos, proteger las aguas dulces y aumentar el reciclado.
Sway back and forth, catch the rhythm. "Heave!" Increase the swing of the pendulum, increase, increase, come up and bear against that point of furthest balance– increase-increase- "Heave!"
Adelante y atrás; había que coger el ritmo. – ¡Empuja! Tiene que aumentar el vaivén del péndulo, aumentar, aumentar, hay que arrimar el hombro en el punto que más oscila… aumentaraumentar. – ¡Empuja!
Increase their ferocity.
Para aumentar su ferocidad.
Gravity will increase.
La gravedad aumentará.
And the grim conclusion drawn was that the way to increase life is to increase death.
Y la tenebrosa conclusión que puede extraerse es que, para aumentar la vida hay que aumentar la muerte.
That increases your chances.
Eso aumentará vuestras posibilidades.
Increase Your Income;
«Aumentar sus ingresos»;
Without competitors, this will increase.
Sin competidores, esto aumentará.
Increase the margins.
Aumentar los márgenes de beneficios.
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