Translation for "incompetent" to spanish
Translation examples
35. Mr. Rivas Posada observed that the reference in the last sentence should be not to "incompetent rulings" but rather to "incompetent judges".
El Sr. Rivas Posada afirma que la última oración no debe decir "dictámenes incompetentes", sino más bien "jueces incompetentes".
Abbassi Madani was sentenced by an incompetent, manifestly partial and unfair tribunal".
Éste, en efecto, fue condenado por un tribunal incompetente, manifiestamente parcial e injusto".
There are no facts to demonstrate that the lawyers were incompetent or not familiar with the proceedings.
Nada demuestra que estos fueran incompetentes o no estuvieran familiarizados con el proceso.
Their people suffered from incompetent and frequently oppressive rule.
Sus pueblos sufrieron bajo gobiernos incompetentes y frecuentemente opresores.
In finding that the arbitral tribunal was incompetent, the Court of Justice dissented from
Al determinar que el tribunal arbitral era incompetente, el Tribunal de Justicia disintió de
(a) It should be incompetent to try civilians;
a) debería declararse incompetente para juzgar a civiles;
Unfortunately, the Committee found itself incompetent and declined to issue such an order.
Desafortunadamente, el Comité se declaró incompetente y declinó emitir dicha orden.
The CFI was declared incompetent, as the matter was purely administrative.
El Tribunal de primera instancia se declaró incompetente, ya que el asunto era puramente administrativo.
A high number would be indicative of underperformance or even incompetence.
Un elevado número de casos indicaría una actuación profesional insatisfactoria o incluso incompetente.
You're all incompetent, thirty people, thirty incompetents.
¡Qué incompetentes! 30 personas, 30 incompetentes.
They are all incompetent.
Todos son unos incompetentes.
Sacked for incompetence.
Me echó por incompetente.
“Then he was incompetent.”
—Entonces fue muy incompetente..
As regards participation by minors as witnesses, under the new criminal proceedings there is no such thing as an incompetent witness; thus any minor may appear before and make statements to the prosecutor or the court.
En cuanto a la participación de ellos como testigos, en el nuevo proceso penal no existen testigos inhábiles, de modo que todo menor de edad puede comparecer y declarar ante el Fiscal o el Tribunal.
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