Translation for "in-planing" to spanish
Translation examples
It was beautifully planed and would neither warp nor rot.
Estaba bellamente cepillado y no se deformaría ni se pudriría.
She was just as thin and delicate and she was the color of newly planed wood.
Era igualmente fina y delicada y tenía el color de la madera recién cepillada.
The table was a planed oak board, half a span thick;
Hacía las veces de mesa una tabla de encina cepillada, a una altura de medio palmo;
Lou looked at the grandmother clock on the fireplace mantel, itself a six-by-six timber of planed oak.
Lou miró el reloj que estaba sobre la repisa de la chimenea, hecha con una viga de roble cepillado.
There were only the two of them, and they dined in military camp style, with a planed table and folding stools. ‘See?
No había nadie más y el aparato era propio de un campamento militar: mesa de madera cepillada y sillas plegables. —¿Has visto?
Once, I stopped in front of a gateway on Smallegade because there was such a lovely smell of glue and freshly planed wood.
Una vez me detuve delante de un portal en Smallegade porque despedía un delicioso olor a cola y a madera recién cepillada.
Smells: the woods, the earth, the Negro’s skin, the planed pine of the garage, the whiskey on Bea Guerin’s breath. “Piet.
Olores: a madera, a tierra, a la piel del negro, al pino cepillado del garaje, a whisky en el aliento de Bea Guerin. —Piet.
The carved staves went to other craftsmen, who finished them on long planing benches, standing astride them up to their ankles in shavings.
Las duelas elaboradas iban a otros artesanos que las terminaban en largos bancos de cepillado, a horcajadas sobre ellos y con virutas hasta los tobillos.
by edges that were machine-cut instead of hand-planed (a sensitive fingertip could feel a machine edge, even in poor light);
por los bordes cortados a máquina en lugar de cepillados a mano (la sensible yema de un dedo lo advertía incluso con poca luz);
They went to the kitchen and sat down in stump-legged chairs of hand-planed oak worn so smooth the wood felt like glass.
Entraron en la cocina y se sentaron en unas sillas de patas de roble cepillado a mano tan suave que la madera parecía cristal.
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