Translation for "in natural colours" to spanish
In natural colours
Translation examples
And all these exquisitely tinted in their natural colours.
y todas esas cosas exquisitamente pintadas en sus colores naturales.
The natural-colour fox was black between the legs.
El zorro de color natural se veía negro entre las piernas.
The white orange in his hand becomes its natural colour.
La naranja blanca recupera su color natural.
Among the humans there were a few dressed in the natural colours of hunters.
Entre los humanos había algunos ataviados con ropa de colores naturales, colores de cazador.
‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that this isn’t my natural colour.
—Siento no haberte dicho que este no era mi color natural —dije en un susurro—.
It looks better in natural colours, white and brown and –’ I trailed off.
Queda mejor con colores naturales, blanco y marrón y… -la voz se me fue apagando.
‘That is not a natural colour for a human being, clothed or not,’ said the Senior Wrangler.
—Con ropa o sin ella, el verde no es un color natural para un ser humano —dijo el prefecto mayor.
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