Translation for "i had come" to spanish
Translation examples
.. I had come to put the lock. Okay I am going am getting late.
...yo había venido a ponerla ok, me voy vuelvo mas tarde
Well, I had come with another young man to Plato's in its first location.
Yo había venido a Platón con otro joven, en su ubicación original.
And I was such a fool to think that I had come here for my own needs.
Y yo fui una tonta al pensar que... Yo había venido aquí por mis propias necesidades.
But I had come prepared that if you did not accept mine and twinkle's love then I won't also marry twinkle.
Aunque yo había venido preparado porque si tú no aceptabas mi amor por Twinkle entonces tampoco me casaría con ella.
I had come to Burma to tune a piano.
Yo había venido a Birmania para afinar un piano;
I had come here to learn everything—that was true.
Yo había venido aquí para saberlo todo... esa era la verdad.
For I had come to hate the world.
Yo había llegado a odiar al mundo.
I had come to change my fate in time.
Yo había llegado a cambiar mi destino en el tiempo.
Once I recall you told me I had come on further than anyone in your class.
Recuerdo que una vez usted me dijo que yo había llegado más adelante que ninguno en su clase.
Remembering the days, when I had come over from Howard and stood in the back of the chamber.
Recordando los días, cuando yo había llegado de Howard y me coloque en la parte posterior de la camara.
Well, I had come to a full stop.
Bueno, yo había llegado a un punto final.
Not knowing if he would believe me or think me mad. Not knowing if he would have the courage to face the monsters... that I had come to know.
Sin saber si me creería o pensaría que estaba loco si tendría el valor para enfrentar a los monstruos a los que yo había llegado a conocer.
I had come from Finland a few years prior to seek my fortune.
Yo había llegado unos años antes de Finlandia en busca de fortuna.
Susan and I had come in her Bronco.
Susan y yo habíamos llegado en el Bronco de ella.
I had come to hate her, you see.
Yo había llegado a odiarla, ya sabe.
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