Translation for "i claim be" to spanish
Translation examples
“How can one who was raised among priests, and who has witnessed so much clerical magic, claim to be agnostic?” “I claim nothing,” Cadderly protested.
¿Cómo alguien que ha sido criado entre clérigos, y que ha sido testigo de tanta magia clerical, afirma ser agnóstico? —No afirmo nada —protestó Cadderly—.
When I claim to be a secretary clean of belief I refer to my ideal self, a self capable of holding opinions and prejudices at bay while the word which it is her function to conduct passes through her.
Cuando afirmo ser una secretaria limpia de creencias me refiero a mi yo ideal, un yo capaz de mantener a raya sus opiniones y prejuicios mientras pasa a través de ella la palabra que debe transmitir.
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