Translation for "humorism" to spanish
Translation examples
I use humor as a shield, blah, blah, blah.
Uso el humorismo como defensa, bla, bla, bla...
Or perhaps a holdover from childhood, to fill the silence when your parents didn't appreciate your humor. Yeah, they didn't.
O quizás un legado de tu infancia, con que llenaste el silencio cuando tus padres no apreciaron tu humorismo.
I didn't think the Homicide Squad was a school of humor.
No creo que el Dto. de Homicidios sea una escuela de humorismo.
No, it was the new guy. He doesn't get your humor yet.
Si ha sido este, que es nuevo y todavía no te ha pillado el humorismo.
And there was humor in the look.
Y había humorismo en ella.
not the ingenuousness, not the humor.
no la ingenuidad, el humorismo—.
There was bitter humor in his voice.
– Había amargo humorismo en su voz-.
He chuckled without humor.
Se rio entre dientes con humorismo.
women who are completely devoid of humor;
mujeres desprovistas por completo de humorismo;
But the gossip was more thought-provoking than humorous.
Pero esta noticia era más provocadora de cavilaciones que de humorismo.
You must apprehend the humor of life, its gallows-humor.
Ha de hacerse cargo del humorismo de la vida, del humor patibulario de esta vida.
But you will learn humor yet, Harry.
Pero aún ha de aprender usted humorismo, Harry.
A glint of humor shone in his blue eyes.
—Un asomo de humorismo asomó por sus ojos azules—.
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