Translation for "human-baiting" to spanish
Translation examples
But in an unexpected twist, it is revealed that Jason's intended victim is really an FBI agent being used as human bait.
En un giro inesperado, se revela que la supuesta víctima de Jason es una agente del FBI utilizada como cebo humano.
He's letting you use him as human bait, isn't that enough?" "I guess.
Os ha permitido que lo utilicéis como cebo humano, ¿no es suficiente? —Supongo.
Security officers tried using human bait to draw the killers into the open.
Los oficiales de Seguridad intentaron usar un cebo humano para descubrir a los asesinos.
It wouldn't make any difference to you, what," he said grinning. "Whether I became a dish washer or scavenger, or hired myself out as human bait." "No, it wouldn't, that's true," Leventhal replied.
Nada en absoluto —dijo sonriendo—. Le daría lo mismo que me convirtiera en lavaplatos o basurero o que me ofreciera como cebo humano. —Es cierto, no me importaría nada —replicó Leventhal.
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