Translation for "hold with hand" to spanish
Hold with hand
Translation examples
The Imam, a loose-bellied man with cynical eyes, who could be found most mornings in his ‘garden’ – a red-earth-and-rubble waste land in the shadow of the mosque – counting rupees donated by the faithful and rolling up each note individually, so that he seemed to be holding a handful of thin beedi-like cigarettes – and who was no stranger to communalist politics himself, was apparently determined that the Meerut horror should be turned to good account.
El imán, un hombre de abultado abdomen y ojos cínicos, al que la mayoría de las mañanas podía verse en su «jardín» -un trozo de tierra baldía roja y cascotes contiguo a la mezquita- contando las rupias donadas por los fieles y enrollando cada billete de manera que parecía sostener en la mano un puñado de cigarrillos delgados como beedis, y que no era ajeno a la política comunalista, al parecer estaba decidido a sacar partido del horror de Meerut.
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