Translation for "him lose" to spanish
Translation examples
The people around him lose the overview.
La gente alrededor de él pierde la perspectiva.
But right now, it's not my job to worry about him losing.
Pero ahora mismo no es mi trabajo por el que hay que preocuparse si él pierde.
I know you brought me here to make him lose the match you're counting on the impact of the surprise.
Sé que me habéis traído aquí para que él pierda el Torneo. Necesitáis un factor sorpresa.
Brown-nosers! Do not -- do not -- do not let him lose. Professor Smith!
- No dejes que él pierda Profesor Smith!
Do not let him lose. Oh, hold this.
No dejes que él pierda Ah, sosten esto.
Must have dosed him to make him lose his memory so we couldn't get any answers out of him.
Debió drogarle para hacerle perder la memoria así que, no podremos conseguir ninguna respuesta.
ll our task is to make him lose time.
Nuestra mision es hacerlos perder tiempo.
I'd say that Fedora's kiss must have made him lose his head.
Evidentemente, el beso de tu Fedora ha debido hacerle perder la cabeza.
So what was it about these two that made him lose it?
¿Qué tenían de especial estos dos para hacerle perder los papeles?
It will be enough to make him lose his post.
Será suficiente para hacerle perder su puesto.
They kept interrupting him and making him lose count.
No hacían más que interrumpirlo y hacerle perder la cuenta.
Had she done that to him, made him lose control like that? Extraordinary.
¿Había ella logrado eso? ¿Hacerle perder el control? Qué extraordinario.
But there was a dark glint in his eye that indicated he hadn’t forgiven Jace for making him lose his calm.
Pero había un oscuro destello en sus ojos que indicaba que no había perdonado a Jace por hacerle perder la calma.
Here again the surge of blood, I saw it in his pupils: I really could, if I wanted, make him lose his calm.
Otro arrebato de la sangre, se lo vi en los ojos; si quería, de veras podía hacerle perder la calma.
A huge boulder had stopped amid the rubble, in such a way that So that the slightest push would have been enough to make him lose his Balance.
Un enorme peñasco se había detenido entre los escombros, de tal modo, que el más pequeño empujón hubiera bastado para hacerle perder el equilibrio.
Beaumont had a regular script worked out, things for me to say to the man which were at once perfectly innocuous and calculated to make him lose his temper.
Beaumont elaboró todo un diálogo, cosas que yo debía decirle al hombre y eran perfectamente inocuas a la vez que calculadas para hacerle perder los estribos.
However, not only with our ships and our men we managed to snatch the Indian from him, but also to chase him away forever from Borneo and make him lose the throne. - You!
Sin embargo, con nuestros barcos y nuestros hombres, no tan sólo logramos arrancarle al hindú, sino también expulsarle para siempre de Borneo y hacerle perder el trono. —¡Ustedes!
He was thinking of that instant eight years ago, at the Croyton trial, when he had turned his blue eyes, blue like ice, on prosecutor James Reynolds, to intimidate, to make him lose his concentration.
Pell estaba pensando en aquella vez durante el juicio, hacía ocho años, en que fijó sus ojos azules, azules como el hielo, en el fiscal James Reynolds con intención de intimidarlo, de hacerle perder la concentración.
Sitting in a small, rickety chair that barely held half his buttocks and, to make matters even worse, that rocked back and forth, Rigoberto was constantly balancing to avoid falling to the floor as he responded to the judge’s questions, which were so arbitrary and absurd that, he said to himself, they had no purpose other than to waste his time and make him lose his temper and his patience.
Sentado en una silla pequeña y raquítica, en la que apenas le cabían la mitad de las nalgas y que para colmo se balanceaba, Rigoberto estuvo todo el tiempo haciendo equilibrio para evitar caerse al suelo, mientras respondía a las preguntas del juez, tan arbitrarias y absurdas que, se decía, no tenían otro objeto que hacerle perder el humor, el tiempo y la paciencia.
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