Translation for "him forgive" to spanish
Translation examples
You want to teach him forgiveness?
¿Quiere que le enseñe el perdón?
We're not offering him forgiveness.
No le ofrecemos el perdón.
Lord, do not call your servant to account... .. for no-one can stand guiltless in your presence unless you grant him forgiveness of all his sins.
Señor, no llames a tu sierva para explicar... que nadie puede permanecer sin culpa en tu presencia... al menos que le concedas el perdón de todos sus pecados.
Whoever says that to the hangman accuses him of murder and denies him forgiveness.
Quien le dice eso a su verdugo, lo inculpa de asesinato y le niega el perdón.
You could recall his honor, and point out to him how foolish it is to rely on Wersgor promises, and offer him forgiveness-and great position-
Podríais apelar a su honor, mostrarle lo insensato que es contar con las promesas wersgor u ofrecerle el perdón y un alto rango...
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