Translation examples
He pulled out a gun and his wife started to run in the man's direction.
El autor sacó un revólver y su mujer empezó a correr en dirección al hombre.
His situation as a torture victim in the past puts him greatly at risk today;
Su situación como víctima de la tortura en el pasado lo hace correr actualmente el mayor de los riesgos.
He allegedly suffered serious injuries to the head, which seriously endangered his life.
Le habrían provocado lesiones graves en el cráneo, haciendo correr en grave peligro su vida.
He says that this case is similar to his and that he will face the same fate.
El autor afirma que ese caso es igual al suyo y que él correrá la misma suerte.
The author, who had a shining object in his hand, ran away from the scene.
El autor, que tenía un objeto reluciente en la mano, huyó entonces a todo correr del lugar de los hechos.
I'm riding in his place.
Correré por él.
He mightn't run his race.
Puede no correr la carrera.
His blood will flow.
Correrá su sangre.
I'll ride in his place.
Correré en su lugar.
Hi Hat's not running.
Chistera no correrá.
I'll run his prints.
Correré Sus Huellas.
He went out on his jog.
Salió a correr.
Look at his running shoes...
Mira sus zapatillas de correr...
(narrator) Hunt cast his Vote to race.
Hunt votó por correr.
His running was over.
Ya no volvió a correr.
He would just have to take his chances.
Tendría que correr el riesgo.
His blood stopped beating.
Su sangre dejó de correr.
His best chance was to run.
Su mejor opción era correr.
His only chance was to run.
Su única posibilidad era correr.
His main interest is still the adventure.
Lo que le interesa es correr aventuras.
With regard to the proposed convening of a diplomatic conference, his delegation had difficulty in understanding why there was a need to hurry the work; the importance of the issues yet to be decided required the discussion to be conducted at a pace that ensured maximum participation.
En relación con la propuesta de convocar una conferencia diplomática, el orador no comprende la necesidad de apresurar los trabajos; la importancia de las cuestiones sobre las que aún deben adoptarse decisiones exige que los debates se celebran a un ritmo que garantice la máxima participación posible.
Ninoska Pérez Castellón, director of the ultra-reactionary and aggressive Council for Cuba's Freedom, declared she believed that during the next four years in the White House, Bush would carry through with his promise to hasten the end of Cuban President Fidel Castro's dictatorship, and to be the ally of the Cuban people to help it obtain its freedom".72
Ninoska Pérez Castellón, directora del ultrarreaccionario y agresivo Consejo por la Libertad de Cuba, declaró que consideraba "que durante los próximos cuatro años en la Casa Blanca, Bush cumplirá con su promesa de apresurar el fin de la dictadura del presidente cubano Fidel Castro, y de ser el aliado del pueblo cubano para ayudarlo a obtener su libertad."
He said what? Glorian, sorry to rush this, but hulk lost his memory Sometime after he was here.
Glorian, siento apresurar esto, pero Hulk perdido la memoria algún tiempo después de que estuviera aquí.
Roger had to accelerate his departure for the United States.
Roger tuvo que apresurar su partida a los Estados Unidos.
Chani pulled at his robe to hurry him, said: "Quickly.
Chani tiró de sus ropas para que se apresurara.
He hailed a taxi to speed his return to the hotel.
Detuvo un taxi para apresurar el regreso al hotel.
Stilgar took his friend’s arm, urging Liet to hurry.
Stilgar aferró a su amigo por el brazo para que se apresurara.
Hasten as he might, his progress towards the harbor was slow.
Por mucho que se apresurara, su avance hacia el puerto era lento.
My husband is alive, and I wouldn’t want to hasten his death.
Mi marido está vivo y yo no quiero apresurar su muerte.
Its robust, indeed exceptional fiber, had contributed not a little to hasten his recovery.
su excepcional fibra había coadyuvado un poco a apresurar la curación.
The police allegedly pulled his legs wide apart, leaving him chronically unable to walk.
La policía le abrió las piernas de tal manera que lo dejó con una incapacidad crónica de caminar.
As a result of the injuries to his feet, he is barely able to walk.
Como consecuencia de las lesiones en los pies, se encuentra absolutamente disminuido en su capacidad para caminar.
One was beaten so badly on the soles of his feet that he was unable to walk for days.
Uno de ellos fue golpeado de tal manera en las plantas de los pies que no pudo caminar durante días.
After having been forced to remove his clothes, he was reportedly forced to walk naked and was taken to the police station at the market.
Lo obligaron a despojarse de la ropa y caminar desnudo hasta la comisaría de policía del mercado.
The State party dismisses as implausible his statement that obstacles in the cell made it impossible for him to walk.
El Estado Parte descarta por inverosímil su afirmación de que los obstáculos que había en la celda le impedían caminar.
As a result, his feet swelled up and he could not walk properly or put on shoes.
De resultas de ello se le hincharon los pies y no pudo caminar bien ni calzarse.
He was still blindfolded; the ties binding his legs had been loosened slightly, but walking was difficult.
Seguía con los ojos vendados; le habían aflojado levemente las ataduras de sus piernas, pero le resultaba difícil caminar.
Hi, fancy a walk?
Um, ¿vamos a caminar?
He insisted on walking on his own.
Insistió en caminar solo.
You can walk on your own. He can walk on his own.
Puede caminar solo.
He can't walk on his own.
No puede caminar.
Say, he hadn't walked around in his bare feet.
Déjalo caminar descalzo.
His favorite walking stick.
Su bastón favorito para caminar".
Would you recognize his walk today?
¿Reconocería su manera de caminar?
- He's so light on his feet.
- No hace ruido al caminar.
Holy Jesus! His penis!
¿Quieres salir a caminar?
His walking was more floating on top of the ground.
Más que caminar se deslizaba.
His walk, for instance.
Su manera de caminar, por ejemplo.
The character of his footsteps changed.
Su forma de caminar cambió.
He smiled and got to his feet.
Sonrió y comenzó a caminar.
He rejoiced in his power to walk.
Se deleitaba al poder caminar.
The rocking movement of his walk was not helping.
El bamboleo de su caminar no ayudaba.
He had a dream in his drifting.
Había tenido un sueño al caminar sin rumbo.
I understood his desire to walk.
—Comprendí su deseo de caminar.
Something about his gait was off.
Había algo raro en su forma de caminar.
While being detained in the IVS, the author was not taken for an outdoor walk even once; he was not allowed to see his family members and to exchange correspondence with them.
Mientras estuvo detenido en el citado pabellón, el autor no pudo pasear al aire libre ni una sola vez; no se le permitió ver a su familia ni intercambiar correspondencia con ella.
In particular, the applicant, having no opportunity to walk or pursue an activity in the open air might well feel cut off from the outside world, with potentially negative consequences for his physical and moral well-being.
En particular, la imposibilidad misma de pasear o de practicar una actividad al aire libre podría provocar en el solicitante sentimientos de aislamiento del mundo exterior, con consecuencias potencialmente negativas sobre su bienestar físico y moral".
His airing takes place in an area where inmate urinal and faecal wastes are disposed of, while other inmates are allowed their airings in a much larger, cleaner facility where they are allowed to exercise, play tennis and football, and engage in other recreational activities.
Efectúa sus paseos al aire libre en una zona donde se evacuan la orina y los excrementos de los presos, mientras que los demás reclusos pueden pasear en un lugar mucho más grande y limpio, donde pueden hacer ejercicios, jugar al tenis y al fútbol y dedicarse a otras actividades recreativas.
Going to walk that goddamn barkin' rat of his.
Sacando a pasear a su rara.
He went off on his own.
Fue a pasear él solo.
He took his dog for a walk.
Se llevó el perro a pasear.
You got to walk his dog.
Puedes pasear a su perro.
Sander's take's hi's kid's out.
Sanders va a pasear a sus hijos.
♪ She's got a ticket to ri-hi-hide
Ella tiene un boleto para pasear.
I used to see him out with his pupils.
Lo veía pasear con sus alumnos.
He's got his jim dog out.
Este tipo sacó su cosa a pasear.
Taking the old 'n out for his constitutional?
¿Llevas al viejo a pasear?
He had to take Ramsey on his walk.
Tenía que pasear a Ramsey.
The DG stopped his pacing.
El DG dejó de pasear.
Cato stopped in his tracks.
Catón dejó de pasear.
    His habit of taking a walk was common knowledge.
Su costumbre de pasear era conocida por todos.
He would go walking with his little sister.
Salía a pasear con su hermanita.
He paused, and resumed his pacing.
Calló y volvió a pasear de un lado a otro.
his only exercise walking Xan.
el único ejercicio es pasear a Xan.
The guard sees him pace his cell.
El guardia lo ve pasear por su celda.
Mason asked, snapping the question over his shoulder.
—inquirió Mason, sin dejar de pasear.
He loved his Nova but usually walked from his mother’s house to the station and back again.
Adoraba su Nova, pero solía ir caminando desde el domicilio de su madre hasta la estación y viceversa.
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