Translation for "health was good" to spanish
Translation examples
Otherwise, his health was good.
Por lo demás, su estado de salud era bueno.
Moreover, her health is good, except that she is suffering from depression.
Es más, su salud es buena, pero sufre de depresión.
Her health was good, except that she was suffering from depression.
Su salud era buena salvo que sufría depresiones.
His shape is symmetrical enough, but slight; his health is good.
Sus proporciones son simétricas, pero es menudo de talla. Su salud es buena.
"Health and good appetite to the company," he said, getting rid of the blacksmith.
Salud y buen apetito para la compañía —dijo despojándose del ferreruelo—.
But he was lately promoted a major, and his health was good, he thanked God.
Pero dijo que le habían ascendido a mayor, y que, gracias a Dios, su salud era buena.
His health was good, and a lifetime of military training had kept him in peak physical condition.
Su salud era buena, y toda una vida de entrenamiento militar lo había mantenido un estado físico perfecto.
But her general health is good and the pregnancy has caused her no difficulties until now.’ ‘What about the child?’
Aún podría pasar, pero su estado de salud es bueno y la preñez no le ha causado dificultades hasta ahora. —¿Y la criatura?
"My health is good -- I was very lucky in my choice of longevity programs - - but I just don't have the daring I once did.
Mi salud es buena (tuve mucha suerte en mi elección de programas de longevidad), pero ya no tengo el arrojo de antes.
And all the time her heart revelled in them, in their health and good looks, in their fresh cheeks and clear eyes.
Pero durante todo el rato, su corazón iba haciendo descubrimientos en ellos: salud y buen aspecto, frescas mejillas y claros ojos.
She writes to him from time to time, tells him she’s working, that her health is good, and each time promises to go and see him soon.’
De vez en cuando le escribe, contándole que trabaja, que su salud es buena y que pronto irá a verle.
“But the gun batteries which guard the harbor can be destroyed — if your health is good, and if you will work in powder once again.” “You flatter me.”
Pero las baterías de cañones que custodian el puerto pueden destruirse, si vuestra salud es buena y os avenís a trabajar con pólvora otra vez. —Me halagáis.
He said my health was good but my education needed immediate attention.
Dijo que mi salud era buena pero que mi educación requería ayuda inmediata.
But he was lately promoted a major, and his health was good, he thanked God.
Pero dijo que le habían ascendido a mayor, y que, gracias a Dios, su salud era buena.
His health was good, and a lifetime of military training had kept him in peak physical condition.
Su salud era buena, y toda una vida de entrenamiento militar lo había mantenido un estado físico perfecto.
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