Translation for "he walked to" to spanish
Translation examples
Nothing. He walked towards this Nothing.
Nada. Caminaba hacia esa Nada.
Thrawn continued as he walked up to them.
continuó Thrawn mientras caminaba hacia ellos.
This was it, he thought as he walked to the guardhouse.
La cosa empezaba, pensó cuando caminaba hacia la casa.
This grew worse as he walked into the city.
Mientras caminaba hacia la ciudad, la sensación empeoró.
The priest smiled as he walked to the door.
El padre sonrió mientras caminaba hacia la puerta.
Hunapu introduced himself to the t’o’ohil as he walked up to him.
Él se presentó al t’o’ohil mientras caminaba hacia él.
Wellesley called as he walked towards the horsemen.
—respondió Wellesley mientras caminaba hacia los jinetes.
As he walked towards the domes he was aware of the silence.
Mientras caminaba hacia las cúpulas era consciente del silencio.
His heart was beating fast as he walked towards it.
El corazón le latía deprisa mientras caminaba hacia ella.
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