Translation for "he fall asleep" to spanish
Translation examples
He falls asleep, still smiling.
Se duerme, aún sonriendo.
After a couple of hours he falls asleep.
A las dos horas se duerme.
Once he falls asleep with his head on the counter.
Por un instante, se duerme con la cabeza sobre el mostrador.
Or escape as soon as he falls asleep, jump the fence.
O escaparme ni bien se duerma, saltar la reja.
Every time he falls asleep, wake him up and bring him here.
Cada vez que se duerma, despertadle y traedle aquí.
Next time he falls asleep, cut one of his balls off.
La próxima vez que se duerma, córtale un cojón.
You want him back, we'll simply track him when he falls asleep.
Si lo quiere recuperar, lo rastrearemos hasta que se duerma.
See to it he falls asleep face down.
Vigila que se duerma boca abajo.
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