Translation for "have participate" to spanish
Translation examples
As a punishment for having participated in strikes.
Como castigo por haber participado en huelgas.
(iv) To have participated effectively in the Jihad.
iv) Haber participado de manera efectiva en la Jihad.
Thailand is proud to have participated in this effort.
Tailandia se enorgullece de haber participado en este esfuerzo.
We are proud to have been a part of that process and to have participated in it.
Nos enorgullece haber formado parte del proceso y haber participado en él.
It has been a privilege and a very special experience to have participated in the deliberations of the Conference.
Ha sido para mí un privilegio y una experiencia muy especial el haber participado en las deliberaciones de la Conferencia.
Malaysia is pleased to have participated in the Conference.
A Malasia le complace haber participado en la Conferencia.
It was a privilege and a very special experience to have participated in the deliberations of the Conference.
Fue para mí un privilegio y una experiencia muy especial el haber participado en las deliberaciones de la Conferencia.
It was deployed at Loashi on 9 January and could therefore have participated;
Se desplegó en Loashi el 9 de enero y, por lo tanto, podría haber participado;
Police arrested a settler suspected of having participated in the incident.
La policía detuvo a un colono sospechoso de haber participado en el incidente.
They are suspected of having participated in the preparation or the execution of the assassination.
Son sospechosos de haber participado en la preparación o la ejecución del asesinato.
All deny having participated the bombing of Omagh.
You yourself it said, that could having participated innocently.
Tu mismo lo dijiste, que pudo haber participado inocentemente.
Now it looks like upwards of a dozen people may have participated due to the footprints at the crime scene, but it's a very tight knit group of people who would murder together.
Ahora parece que más de una docena de personas pudieron haber participado debido a las huellas en la escena del crimen, pero una agrupación de personas muy hermética asesinaría en conjunto.
Yeah, you should have participated in the clinical trial I signed you up for.
Sí, deberías haber participado en el ensayo clínico en el que te inscribí.
These men are accused of having participated in the killing of 120 schoolgirls at the Sainte-Marie School.
Estos hombres están acusados, de haber participado, en la matanza de 120 niñas en una escuela. La escuela de Sainte-Marie.
We've been informed that you may have participated in their disappearance.
Quien le ha informado de eso puede haber participado en su desaparición.
Any infidelities my client may have participated in, from a legal standpoint, was voided by your client's affair with Ms. Davis.
Cualquier infidelidad que mi cliente pudo haber participado, desde el punto legal, fueron anuladas por el affair de tu cliente con la Sra.Davis
One of the things I did that most torments me is having participated in the deaths of three colleagues.
Una de las acciones que más me atormentan es haber participado en la muerte de tres compañeros.
but it’s one thing to have participated in the founding of Spanish democracy and quite another to be a hero of democracy. Was he?
pero una cosa es haber participado en la fundación de la democracia y otra ser el héroe de la democracia. ¿Lo fue?
Scuttlers that had deviated far from the average body plan were socially successful creatures, for they must have participated in many exchanges.
Los scuttlers que se había desviado significativamente del plan corporal medio eran criaturas con éxito social, al haber participado en muchos intercambios.
Neither Bibulus nor Cato was quite old enough to have participated in political life under Sulla, though Bibulus remembered him;
Ni Bíbulo ni Catón tenían edad suficiente para haber participado en modo alguno en la vida política bajo el mandato de Sila, aunque Bíbulo lo recordaba;
I was so weary from having participated in the night watch, but Jim pumped me with questions, and eventually I told him everything that had happened.
A pesar de que me encontraba realmente agotado por haber participado en la patrulla de vigilancia nocturna, Jim me abrasó a preguntas y acabé contándole todo lo que había pasado.
More often than not, they return home empty-handed, hung over and frustrated—but nonetheless sated from having participated, even if only marginally and ineptly, in an ancient male rite.
Con frecuencia vuelven a casa con las manos vacías, resacosos y frustrados, pero satisfechos a pesar de todo por haber participado, aunque torpe y pasajeramente, en un antiguo rito masculino.
Above all, this transplanted African ritual loomed large in the collective memory and oral history of the city’s black community, even among those too young to have participated in it.
En cualquier caso, este ritual africano trasplantado prolongó su existencia en la memoria colectiva y en la historia oral de la comunidad negra de la ciudad, incluidos aquéllos que eran demasiado jóvenes como para haber participado.
like Gutiérrez Mellado, Carrillo never publicly repented for having rebelled against democratic legality, but, also like Gutiérrez Mellado, at least since the mid-1970s he did nothing but repent with his actions for having participated in that rebellion.
como Gutiérrez Mellado, Carrillo jamás se arrepintió públicamente de haberse rebelado contra la legalidad democrática, pero, también como Gutiérrez Mellado, al menos desde mediados de los años setenta no hizo otra cosa que arrepentirse con la práctica de haber participado en aquella rebelión.
They were the partisans of Teti almost all old, but experts in the handling of weapons, having participated in the long and terrible campaign undertaken against the phalanxes of the Chaldeans, therefore they could represent a serious danger even for the royal guards, although these were much more numerous.
Los partidarios de Teti eran casi todos viejos, pero expertos en el manejo de las armas, por haber participado en la larga y terrible campaña emprendida contra las tropas de los caldeos, por lo que podían constituir un evidente peligro para la guardia real, pese a que ésta fuera más numerosa.
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