Translation for "have it is" to spanish
Translation examples
It is an honour indeed to have her among us.
Sin duda, es un honor tenerla entre nosotros.
No consultations are taking place. Everyone has, or should have, received instructions.
No hay consultas; todos tienen instrucciones, o deberían tenerlas.
It is a real pleasure for me to have you here at my side.
Es un verdadero placer tenerle aquí a mi lado.
They are in servitude to their own whims, and they desire to have everything for themselves.
Sirven a sus propios caprichos y desean tenerlo todo para sí.
Circumstances have changed, and we must take this into account.
Las circunstancias han cambiado, y debemos tenerlo en cuenta.
It is a great honour, privilege and pleasure to have them with us.
Es un gran honor, un privilegio y un placer tenerlos entre nosotros.
We do not believe that anyone should have it.
Creemos que nadie debería tenerlo.
I have no field experience and no interest in it
No tengo experiencia sobre el terreno y tampoco interés en tenerla
The worst thing about having it is having it.
Lo peor de tenerlo es el hecho de tenerlo.
It’s having them and not having them at the same time.
Es tenerlas y no tenerlas al mismo tiempo.
At least not unless she is willing to both have and not have him.
A no ser que ella esté dispuesta a tenerlo y no tenerlo a él.
Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
—Más vale tenerlo y no necesitarlo que necesitarlo y no tenerlo.
But we’re going to have her, Crow. We’ve got to have her.”
Pero vamos a tenerla, Cuervo. Debemos tenerla.
For me it is to have one.
En el mío, para tenerla.
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