Translation for "have eight" to spanish
Translation examples
4. As minimum qualifications, International Police Task Force (IPTF) monitors must be able to communicate in the English language, be competent drivers and have eight years police experience.
Los requisitos mínimos que deben reunir los observadores de la IPTF son poder comunicarse en inglés, ser conductores competentes y tener ocho años de experiencia en la policía.
168. Officials seeking promotion to the lower level of the intermediate grade must have completed two years' service at the higher level in the initial grade, and have eight years' effective service in the department concerned.
168. El funcionario que aspire a ascender al escalón inferior del grado intermedio deberá haber cumplido dos años de servicios en el escalón superior del grado inicial y tener ocho años de servicios reales en el organismo de que se trate.
We could have eight more years together.
Podríamos tener ocho años más juntos.
So instead of having four blocks per hour we're going to have eight only they're only going to be half as long.
Entonces, en lugar de tener cuatro bloques por hora vamos a tener ocho son tan sólo la mitad de largo.
We'll have eight degrees...
Vamos a tener ocho grados ...
Actually, if you're aliens, you'd probably have eight sets of eyes which means...
Si son extraterrestres, deben tener ocho pares de ojos, o sea...
I'm having eight babies?
¿Voy a tener ocho bebés?
But after having eight-ten kids I won't be able to sit on a cycle
Pero después de tener ocho-diez niños no podré sentarse en un ciclo
Actually, if you're aliens, you probably have eight sets of eyes which would mean I'd have 16 boobs, which would mean my lingerie bill would go through the roof.
Si son extraterrestres, deben tener ocho pares de ojos o sea que yo tendría 16 pechos y mi gasto en ropa interior sería altísimo.
We could have eight kids by then, at the rate I'm going."
Al ritmo que llevo, podríamos tener ocho hijos.
“Where? Who wants to have eight vampires roosting with them?”
—¿Y adonde? ¿Quién querría tener ocho vampiros?
That is the reason why a nagual must have eight women seers in his party.
por esa razón un nagual tiene que tener ocho mujeres videntes en su grupo.
Christ, I’d rather jump overboard than have eight more like my one,’ the quartermaster said.
Cristo, prefiero saltar por la borda antes que tener ocho más como la única que tengo —dijo el contramaestre.
What’s the point of having eight men about the house if we can’t find one to do a little thing like that for us!”
No vale la pena tener ocho hombres en la casa si no hay ni siquiera uno para hacer eso!
BEST KNOWN FOR: Having eight legs, being able to fly despite being wingless, and belonging to Odin
MÁS CONOCIDO POR: tener ocho patas, poder volar a pesar de no tener alas y pertenecer a Odín.
He told Heather that he and Eve were going to have eight children, with ten months between each child.
Le contó a Heather que Eve y él iban a tener ocho hijos, separados entre sí ocho meses.
She was having eight bridesmaids, but their dresses were being made in Hong Kong by a terrific seamstress she knew.
Iba a tener ocho damas de honor, pero sus vestidos los confeccionaría en Hong Kong una magnífica modista que conocía.
They have eight legs.
Tienen ocho patas.
They have eight tentacles.
Tienen ocho tentáculos .
- They have eight kids.
Tienen ocho niños.
They have eight children now.
- Tienen ocho hijos ahora.
Come on, you only have eight minutes for your change.
Tienen ocho minutos para cambiarse.
The Einsteins have eight points.
Los Einsteins tienen ocho puntos.
You have eight minutes, gentlemen.
Tienen ocho minutos, caballeros.
You have eight hours.
Tienen ocho horas.
You guys have eight kids?
Tienen ocho hijos.
Everybody knows spiders have eight legs.
Todos saben que las arañas tienen ocho patas.
In Honduras they have eight!
En Honduras tienen ocho.
Octopuses have eight legs.
Los pulpos tienen ocho patas.
You have eight days to decide.
Tiene ocho días para pensarlo.
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