Translation for "happy were" to spanish
Translation examples
"Be happy, love Baba," he signed them, as if the attainment of happiness were as simple as that.
«Sé feliz, con cariño, Baba», las firmaba, como si alcanzar la felicidad fuera algo tan sencillo.
So close, so happy were they that they dared express their affection only through constant light bickering and quarreling, as if it were unlucky to be blatantly happy and in love in a world where others were sad and suffering.
Tan cercanos estaban el uno del otro, tan felices eran los dos, que sólo se atrevían a expresar su afecto a través de constantes y leves pullas y disputas, como si los disgustara mostrarse felices y enamorados en un mundo en el que otros padecían tristeza y sufrimientos.
And if Happy were interested in you, she would have been there.
Y si feliz estaban interesados ​​en usted, ella habría estado allí.
So happy were the little coven in the house, Lestat, Louis, Gabrielle, so happy to be together.
Tan feliz estaba en casa el pequeño grupo, Lestat, Louis, Gabrielle;
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