Translation for "halfblood" to spanish
Translation examples
Don't mess with me, Halfblood.
No te metas conmigo, Mestiza.
The Halfblood owes me.
- La mestiza me debe.
Ron glanced at Hermione, then said, “What if purebloods and halfbloods swear a Muggle-born’s part of their family?
Ron echó un vistazo a Hermione y planteó: —¿Y qué pasaría si los sangre limpia o los sangre mestiza juran que un hijo de muggles forma parte de su familia?
Dearly though he'd have loved to slay that pollution Elminster, awakening the power now would smite down two more of the weavers of the Mythal-Mentor and the halfblood- and would mean his own certain detection.
No obstante lo mucho que le hubiera gustado eliminar a aquel ser contaminado que era Elminster, despertar el poder ahora aplastaría a otros dos tejedores del Mythal —Mentor y el mestizo— y significaría su propia detección.
"More like a House-gathering attended by many mages: humans, gnomes, halfbloods, and even elves from other lands than ours," the Coronal explained, "though I believe some scrolls and rare magical components do change hands.
—Más bien una reunión familiar a la que asisten muchos magos humanos, gnomos, mestizos, e incluso elfos de otras tierras distintas de la nuestra —explicó el Ungido—, aunque creo que algunos pergaminos y raros componentes mágicos sí que cambian de mano.
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