Translation for "half-loaf" to spanish
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Last night there were more than half loaf.
Anoche había más de media hogaza.
May I have a half loaf, please?
¿Me da media hogaza?
She nibbled the half-loaf.
Ella mordisqueó la media hogaza.
He brought out a half loaf of hard-crusted bread and some oatcakes.
Sacó media hogaza de pan y unas galletas de avena.
She dished up a bowl and sliced him a half loaf of bread.
Teresa llenó una escudilla, cortó media hogaza de pan y ordenó:
Helm found what he was looking for: a half-loaf of hard, gray bread.
Helm encontró lo que buscaba en la mochila: media hogaza de pan duro y grisáceo.
He gulped down his half loaf and the sugared and peppered wine in huge spoonfuls.
Engulló su media hogaza de pan y el vino azucarado y pimentado a grandes cucharadas.
He held a half loaf of bread, two huge slices of ham, and a canteen.
Llevaba media hogaza de pan, dos gruesas lonchas de jamón y un pellejo de vino.
A beggar sprawled against a shopfront is clawing bread from a half-loaf and stuffing it into his mouth.
Un mendigo despatarrado delante de una tienda pellizca media hogaza de pan y se mete el trozo en la boca.
Caridad’s gaze ran from the half-loaf of bread, still in her hand, to the cutter, who was smiling. “Get the thief!”
Caridad corrió su mirada desde la media hogaza de pan, todavía en su mano, al tajador, que sonreía. —¡A la ladrona!
Arnau shrugged and gladly accepted the bowl of meat and half loaf of bread that Bartolomé’s eldest daughter handed him.
Arnau se encogió de hombros mientras la hija mayor de Bartolomé le acercaba una escudilla llena de carne y media hogaza de pan.
It was the wrong size.” He was munching on a half loaf of bread from the basket of food that his man had brought back.
El tamaño no correspondía —dijo Robert mientras se comía a bocados media hogaza de pan de la cesta con comida que había traído su criado.
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