Translation for "half-goat" to spanish
Translation examples
Half man half goat, all man-goat!
Mitad hombre, mitad cabra.
Marsyas was a satyr - half man, half goat.
Marsias era un sátiro... mitad hombre, mitad cabra.
I think he's actually half goat.
Yo siento que es mitad cabra.
I think I just got shot down by a half-woman/half-goat.
Creo que me disparó una mitad mujer/mitad cabra.
It's a satyr... Half man, half goat from Greek mythology.
Es un sátiro... mitad hombre, mitad cabra, de la mitología Griega.
“He’s—he was a satyr: half man, half goat.
—Él es… era un sátiro: mitad hombre, mitad cabra.
Piper had no trouble believing Coach Hedge was half goat.
A Piper no le costó creer que el entrenador Hedge fuera mitad cabra.
‘Coach,’ he said, ‘you can climb?’ Hedge scoffed. ‘I’m half goat.
—Entrenador, ¿puede trepar? —preguntó. Hedge se mofó. —Soy mitad cabra.
“Pan?” “A sort of satyr, as you described him, half goat, half youth?” “He was no youth!
—¿Pan? —Una especie de sátiro, según lo ha descrito: mitad cabra, mitad hombre joven. —¡No era joven!
And in this state of semi-consciousness she saw the divinities and the creatures of the woods come timidly out of their dens: the nymphs with their skin as green as the leaves of the trees, the satyrs with their bristly coats, half-men and half-goats, approaching a simulacrum of the god’s gigantic phallus, crowning it with ivy and vine-leaves, soaking it with wine.
Y en aquel estado de semiinconsciencia veía a las divinidades y criaturas de los bosques salir tímidamente de sus guaridas: las ninfas de verde piel como las hojas de los árboles, los sátiros de hirsuto pelo, mitad hombres y mitad cabras, que se acercaban a un simulacro del falo gigantesco del dios, lo coronaban de hiedra y de pámpanos de vid, lo bañaban de vino.
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