Translation for "griddle-cake" to spanish
Translation examples
She set down a bowl of water for Grimya to drink, and as she was finishing the griddle cakes, the inner door opened and Veness came in. “Indigo.”
Depositó en el suelo un cuenco de agua para que Grimya bebiera y, mientras terminaba las hojuelas, la puerta interior se abrió y entró Veness. —Índigo.
I counsel you therefore to salve the sores of his injured pride by as sweet a flow of repentant tears as you can pump up from the fountains of your eyes, and to abase yourself upon the floor before him as flat as any Welsh griddle-cake;
Por todo ello os aconsejo que aliviéis las llagas de su orgullo herido con cuantas dulces lágrimas de arrepentimiento logréis sacar de las fuentes de vuestros ojos, y que os postréis en el suelo ante él hasta quedar tan llana como una hojuela de Gales;
As the kettle began to hiss and murmur comfortably she scooped flour and oatmeal from the crocks and mixed a dough for griddle-cakes, smiling wistfully to herself as she thought that here again was another sharp contrast to her long-ago life at Carn Caille.
Mientras la tetera empezaba a sisear y borbotear agradablemente, sacó harina de trigo y avena de sus respectivos envases y amasó pasta para preparar hojuelas, sonriendo con melancolía para sí al pensar en el contraste con su vida de antaño en Carn Caille.
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