Translation for "greyish-blue" to spanish
Translation examples
Greyish blue eyes, blond hair.
Ojos azul grisáceos, cabello rubio.
Her greyish-blue eyes peered out from between the thick layer of waterproof black mascara she’d applied to her lashes.
Ojos azules grisáceos bajo una gruesa capa de rímel negro resistente al agua.
The dragon was a shade of greyish blue not very different from the present color of the sky, and curiously the tips of its four claws were painted a bright red;
El dragón era de un color azul grisáceo no muy diferente del cielo a aquellas horas, y curiosamente las puntas de sus cuatro garras estaban pintadas de un rojo brillante.
Before the song was ended, the sky had paled to greyish-blue, and in it only the moon and Gobardon still burned faintly. The torches hissed in the wind of dawn.
Antes que Arren terminase de cantar, el cielo había palidecido hasta un azul grisáceo, y en él sólo la luna y Gobardón brillaban aún débilmente, y las antorchas crepitaban al viento del amanecer.
Her best feature was the slightly unusual combination of black hair, naturally curled, with pale freckles across the bridge of her nose, and greyish-blue eyes.
La mejor de sus facciones era la combinación ligeramente inusual de pelo negro, rizado natural, con pecas claras sobre el puente de la nariz, y los ojos de un azul grisáceo.
I would say, that the eyes of Prest. Lincoln, were of blueish-grey or rather greyish-blue; for, without being positive, the blue ray was always visible.
Diría yo que los ojos del presidente Lincoln eran de color gris azulado o más bien azul grisáceo, porque, pese a no estar definida, aquella chispa azul siempre era visible.
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