Translation for "grey-haired" to spanish
Translation examples
he asked of a grey-haired man.
—preguntó a un hombre de pelo cano.
‘ “But you are old and grey-haired,” he cried.
“¡Pero vosotros sois viejos de pelo cano!”, exclamó él.
His head was bald, fringed with greying hair.
Estaba calvo y tenía una suerte de fleco de pelo cano.
‘Yes,’ said the grey-haired woman. ‘Good.
—Sí —intervino la mujer del pelo cano—. Bien.
It was an old man in his fifties with grey hair.
Era un hombre mayor, como de unos cincuenta años, con el pelo cano.
The warrior with the greying hair squatted down beside him.
El guerrero de pelo cano se había agachado a su lado.
Now in his mid-fifties, Volodya had silver-grey hair.
Con sus cincuenta y tantos años, Volodia tenía ya el pelo cano.
`Blue eyes, grey hair, fair skin,' Diana was saying.
—Ojos azules, cabello cano, piel blanca —decía Diana—.
He had grey hair and wore a grey suit and a grey tie.
Tenía el pelo cano y llevaba un traje gris y una corbata del mismo color.
A man in profile, grey hair, narrow lips, pointed nose.
Reproducía el rostro de un hombre de perfil, el cabello cano, los labios finos y la nariz puntiaguda.
“He was young, but with grey hair.”
—Es joven, pero tiene el pelo canoso.
Denim jacket, grey hair.
Chaqueta de jean, pelo canoso.
He had thinning grey hair.
Tenía el cabello canoso y ralo.
15and greying hair and paling cheek
15 su pelo canoso y sus pálidas mejillas
She was old, with a great deal of untidy grey hair.
Era vieja, de pelo canoso y desaliñado.
She was middle aged, grey-haired and self-assured.
Era una mujer madura, canosa y segura de sí.
A slender warrior with greying hair stepped forward.
Un guerrero delgado de pelo canoso se adelantó.
Her grey hair was cut short and neat.
Llevaba el pelo canoso corto y arreglado.
And he had grey hair?” “Almost white.”
¿Y dices que tiene el pelo canoso? —Casi blanco.
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