Translation for "good for both" to spanish
Translation examples
That'll be good for both of us.
Sería bueno para ambas.
It'll be good for both of you.
Será bueno para ambos.
It's good for both of us.
Es bueno para ambos.
Could be good for both of us.
Podría ser buena para ambos.
This is good for both of us.
Esto es bueno para ambos.
Might be good for both.
Podría ser bueno para ambos.
It's good for both clubs.
Es bueno para ambos clubs.
Alec was very good at both.
Alec era muy bueno en ambos.
Good bloodlines both, eh?
Buenos linajes ambos, ¿no?
You’re good-we both know that.
Tú eres muy buena y ambos lo sabemos.
I hear the food is quite good in both rooms.
Dicen que la comida es igualmente buena en ambos.
‘No,’ said Scott. ‘But lots of lefties are good with both feet.’
—Nunca —respondió Scott—, pero muchos zurdos son buenos con ambos pies.
THIS TWO-FOLD NEWS—good on both fronts—left me limp and dazed with relief.
Esa doble noticia —buena en ambos frentes— me dejó sin fuerzas y aturdido de alivio.
I hoped they meant she would have a long life and good fortune, both shared by me.
Confié en que le auguraran larga vida y buena suerte, ambas compartidas conmigo.
They almost always will, and that’s good for both of you—you get the benefit of discussing with them the actions you would like them to take if elected, and they get to expose themselves to voters.
Casi siempre irán y eso es bueno para ambos: usted tiene la ventaja de discutir con ellos las acciones que le gustaría que emprendieran si son elegidos y ellos pueden presentarse ante los votantes.
Good art, good art -- both of you.
Buen arte, buen arte…, ustedes dos.
They were good boys, both of them, and he was a kindly person.
Eran buenos chicos, los dos, y él era una persona comprensiva.
The Captain had at least been good to both of us in his intention.
El Capitán había sido bueno con nosotros dos por lo menos en su intención.
“Lots and lots of good things. Both of us.” “That’s what I want.
—Montones y montones de buenas obras. Los dos. —Es lo que quiero.
uh, I saw good on both sides of the picket line, which .
quiero decir que vi cosas buenas a los dos lados del piquete y, uh...
He always claimed eggs were good for both of them, their artificial bodies needed proteins.
Él siempre decía que los huevos eran buenos para los dos, porque sus cuerpos artificiales necesitaban proteínas.
Both had been good students, both were unmarried, both spent their spare time perfecting their swordsmanship and learning.
Los dos habían sido buenos alumnos, los dos estaban solteros y dedicaban el tiempo libre a perfeccionar el manejo de la espada y al estudio.
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