Translation for "gold florins" to spanish
Gold florins
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Thirty-seven gold florins.
Treinta y siete florines de oro.
He has set it at thirteen to one: a gold florin is worth thirteen silver croats.
un florín de oro vale trece croats de plata.
I took out another purse which I had brought with me. It was full of gold florins.
Saqué otra bolsa que llevaba encima, llena de florines de oro.
Besides, the lawyer has already given him twenty gold florins to settle the case in his favor.
Además, el abogado ya le ha entregado veinte florines de oro para que falle a su favor.
Back in England, you could find the traditional pennies, shillings and gold florins. But the higher coinage was in short supply.
En Inglaterra, uno podía encontrar los tradicionales peniques, chelines y florines de oro, pero había escasez de monedas de valor elevado.
This public show of confidence by the old man could open more doors than a thousand gold florins.
Aquella muestra pública de confianza por parte del anciano podía abrir más puertas de las que lo haría un millar de florines de oro.
Silver is pouring out of Catalonia, yet the king is determined to defend the value of his gold florin against the market;
La plata está saliendo de Cataluña de forma masiva y el rey sigue empeñado en sostener el valor de su florín de oro en contra del mercado;
The parity between the gold florin and silver croat is a complete fiction; it has nothing to do with the rate that you can get in foreign exchanges.
La paridad entre el florín de oro y el croat de plata es totalmente ficticia y muy alejada de las paridades establecidas en los mercados extranjeros.
A clerk accosted him, informing him that an endowment of thirty-seven gold florins had been promised on behalf of Isabelle and would be accepted at once.
Uno de los clérigos se le aproximó y le informó de que se había fijado una dote de treinta y siete florines de oro para Isabelle, y que sería aceptada de inmediato.
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