Translation for "glumly" to spanish
Translation examples
Rotterjack nodded glumly.
Rotterjack asintió sombríamente.
Harkat asked glumly.
– inquirió Harkat sombríamente.
asked Avalon glumly.
—preguntó Avalon sombríamente.
He watched glumly, saying nothing.
Él miró sombríamente, sin decir nada.
Glumly, she shook her head.
Sombríamente, ella negó con la cabeza.
Probably, Sparhawk agreed glumly.
–Es probable -convino sombríamente Falquián-.
The two boys looked at each other glumly.
Los chiquillos se miraron sombríamente.
    Surefoot Smith looked at him glumly.
Surefoot Smith le contempló sombríamente.
Watching him flail, he suspected glumly.
Mirándole debatirse, sospechó él sombríamente.
Lutie nodded glumly.
Lutie asintió con tristeza.
said Olga glumly
—comentó Olga con tristeza—.
ʺYeah,ʺ she said glumly.
—Sí, —ella dijo con tristeza—.
Glumly, Miles considered this possibility.
—Miles pensó en esa posibilidad con tristeza.
“All right,” Caitlin replied glumly.
—Muy bien —respondió Caitlin con tristeza.
“Everybody’s dying,” she said glumly.
Todo el mundo se está muriendo —le dijo con tristeza.
"At least," she said glumly, "not in so many words."
Al menos, no con esas palabras —añadió con tristeza.
“I knew it,” George said glumly. “God!
—Lo sabía —dijo Jorge con tristeza—. ¡Dios!
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