Translation for "glassy sea" to spanish
Translation examples
no matter how much people complained about how bad things were back home, it was difficult for Sunja to imagine anything but the bright, sturdy house that her father had taken care of so well by the green, glassy sea, the bountiful garden that had given them watermelons, lettuces, and squash, and the open-air market that never ran out of anything delicious.
Por mucho que se hablara sobre lo mal que estaban las cosas en Corea, para Sunja era difícil imaginar distinto a la preciosa casita que su padre había cuidado tan bien junto al mar vidrioso y verde, el abundante huerto que les había dado sandías, lechugas y calabacines, y el mercado al aire libre donde las delicias nunca se agotaban.
Anodyne messages. They were having a whale of a time, it seemed, on the other side, beyond this vale of tears, singing hymns, rejoicing in the lamb, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea.
Mensajes anodinos. Al otro lado se lo estaban pasando en grande, eso parecía, más allá de este valle de lágrimas, entonaban cánticos, se regocijaban en el Cordero, lanzaban sus coronas doradas alrededor del mar de vidrio.
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