Translation for "given as gift" to spanish
Translation examples
By acting decisively to renew my mandate, the Assembly has given the gift of time -- time to carry on the important work that, together, we have begun.
Al actuar de manera decisiva para prorrogar mi mandato, la Asamblea me ha dado el regalo del tiempo -- el tiempo para llevar a cabo la importante labor que, juntos, hemos iniciado.
With that smile the receptionist felt that she had been given a gift in return.
Al recibir una sonrisa como aquella, las recepcionistas tenían la sensación de que, a cambio, él también les había dado un regalo.
“I wonder how he would feel if he knew you’d given a gift you made for him to the man who caused his brain to be taken out of his body in the first place.”
—Me pregunto cómo se sentiría si se enterara de que le ha dado el regalo que hizo para él al hombre responsable de que le extrajeran el cerebro del cuerpo.
    In his cradle he had been given four gifts. The ring in his hands and the locket that hung around his neck, the sword on his hip and an oath sworn in his name.
Estando en la cuna le habían dado cuatro regalos: el anillo que tenía en las manos, el guardapelo que llevaba al cuello, la espada colgada a la cadera y un juramento prestado en su nombre.
"We hope you will come again, sister Waiting Moon," I said, though we had already spent most of that morning saying farewells, and Béu had been given many gifts, and both women had wept a good deal.
«Esperamos que regreses otra vez, hermana Luna que Espera», le dije, aunque habíamos pasado la mayor parte de esa mañana diciéndonos adiós, le habíamos dado muchos regalos y las dos mujeres habían llorado a placer.
Later that night, when she was home and falling asleep on the couch in front of the TV, Elisabeth would remember seeing his eyes open, and how it was like that moment when you just happen to see the streetlights come on and it feels like you’re being given a gift, or a chance, or that you yourself’ve been singled out and chosen by the moment.
Esa misma noche, ya en casa, mientras dormitaba en el sofá delante de la tele, Elisabeth recordaría que al verle abrir los ojos sintió algo similar a cuando se encienden las farolas de la calle y parece que te han dado un regalo, o una oportunidad, o que ese momento te ha elegido precisamente a ti.
I, was given in gift by a chief and a warrior to a man that was neither.
Hasta fui dada como regalo por un jefe y guerrero a un hombre que no era nada.
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