Translation for "general context" to spanish
General context
Translation examples
Gustavo, Zulema and the mafias Seen in a general context, I think the police receive the same training as Police Superintendent Camps during the dictatorship. But in the neighbourhoods, that means, on the one hand, a policeman who obeys the superintendent, collecting money for him, with the policeman continuing to be poor.
Yo creo que la policía, si uno habla en un contexto general viene con la misma formación que le dio el comisario Camps en la época de la dictadura, pero eso trasladado a los barrios implica, por un lado, un suboficial que tiene que cumplir
I think I understand their significance and the general context of it.
Yo creo que entiendo su significado... y el contexto general de uso.
But one cannot take it out of the general context.
Pero no puedes eliminar el contexto general.
The general context indicates that it is death that is not easy (i.e. impossible) to escape;
El contexto general indica que es la muerte de la que no es fácil (es decir, imposible) escapar;
Every one of don Genaro's statements had to do with the general context of gliding through the air.
Cada una de las indicaciones de don Genaro tenía que ver con el contexto general de deslizarse por el aire.
“I think what you meant to ask was: do I know what’s bad for me, in the general context of blunt instruments and sharp edges. Yes?” “Broadly, yes.
Creo que lo que quiso preguntar era: sé lo que es malo para mí, en el contexto general de instrumentos contundentes y bordes filosos. ¿Sí? –Ampliamente, sí.
should suffice to suggest something of the general context of spiritual experience to which the Eskimo figure of a shaman crossing an abyss of the blade of a knife refers.
debería bastar para sugerir algo del contexto general de la experiencia espiritual a la que se refiere la figura esquimal de un chamán cruzando un abismo sobre la hoja de un cuchillo.
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