Translation for "genealogist" to spanish
Translation examples
I thought she was a genealogist.
Pensaba que era genealogista.
You need to find out more about your dead genealogist.
Tienes que averiguar más sobre nuestro genealogista muerto.
- I didn't know you were a genealogist.
No sabía que era genealogista.
My name is Sheldon Greyshot, Greyshot Genealogists.
Mi nombre es Sheldon Greyshot, de Genealogistas Greyshot.
Take this seal to Geoffrey of Monmouth, the court genealogist.
Lleva este sello a Geoffrey de Monmouth, el tribunal genealogista.
Uh, he was a-a genealogist.
Era un genealogista.
However, a genealogist has revealed that nine years later,
Sin embargo, un genealogista ha revelado que nueve años después,
Last week, when Professor Gleason, the genealogist, upset him... he was behaving very peculiar.
La semana pasada, cuando Gleason, el genealogista, lo alteró... se comportó de un modo muy extraño.
Until that genealogist showed up... asking questions about your family, especially your father.
Hasta que ese genealogista apareció... haciendo preguntas respecto a tu familia, especialmente tu padre.
I’d have to become a genealogist.
Tendría que convertirme en un genealogista.
“Bouchet, the genealogist?” I interrupted.
—¿Bouchet el genealogista? —interrumpí yo—.
Genealogists wouldn’t stop at a particular date.”
Los genealogistas no se detienen en una fecha en particular.
It was drawn up by Monsieur Bouchet, the genealogist.
—Me lo averiguó el genealogista monsieur de Bouchet.
There’s a reason genealogists use family trees to show lines of descent.”
Por algo utilizan los genealogistas los árboles de familia para mostrar las líneas de descendencia.
Genealogists and also biologists are familiar with such surprises; they often shatter their system.
Los genealogistas y biólogos están acostumbrados a estas sorpresas, que a veces echan por tierra sus sistemas.
Beow/Beowulf ‘Barley’ is the glorification (by genealogists) of a rustic corn-ritual myth.
Beow/Beowulf «cebada» es la glorificación (por los genealogistas) de un mito rural sobre el ritual del cereal.
To locate the other two relatives, the Aldermaston genealogists looked again at the family tree.
Los genealogistas de Aldermaston escrutaban de nuevo el árbol genealógico para localizar a esos otros dos parientes.
He’d found an amateur genealogist named Alma Young working out of the Makah Reservation.
Dio con una genealogista aficionada llamada Alma Young que trabajaba desde la Reserva de Makah.
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